SO does this game support voice chat?
posted12/04/2008 06:33 AM (UTC)by
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PSN id: killer_beast_56

Member Since
10/02/2006 02:18 AM (UTC)
I ask because noone online seems to use mics. I've also tried using it and noone hears me. same thing happened when a couple of my friends tried using their mics. am I doing something wrong? thanks!
12/01/2008 05:05 AM (UTC)
Good question brother. I personally, do have a mic and the other day i have tried to use it, in the chat room but it didnt work. I have wireless mic and wired but i tried the wireless one and it didn't work. I don't no if there are some necessary steps we need to them inorder to get the mic work.
12/01/2008 05:08 AM (UTC)
Yes, it supports Live chat for 360. I never use it but I hear other people sometime. The first day it came out I spoke to quite a few people that were begging me for the finishing moves.
About Me

PSN id: killer_beast_56

12/01/2008 05:26 AM (UTC)
I sure hope the game supports voice chat for ps3, else I'm gonna be a little angry. I dislike when companies decide to remove features from certain systems for no reason. I already heard that we can't challenge people from the uk on ps3. It will be quite unfair if we don't have voice chat either. As a blind gamer, voice chat is quite essential for communicating online as I can't read what people are typing without assistance. For xbox owners out there, do the chatrooms themselves support voice chat? I'm curious. If anyone gets this thing working on ps3, please let us know how you did it. I'm a little frustrated at midway right now.
12/01/2008 07:48 AM (UTC)
The PS3 does support voice chat. The way it works is you have to be in an accepted challenge to hear the other player. It turns on right at the loading screen and stays active automatically until one player says No. There is no way to tell at the fight select screen who has a mic and who does not. I just added "Anyone have a mic?" to my list of saved chat sentences.

PSN: SaiKing
12/01/2008 07:48 AM (UTC)
Well I would get mad at Sony/Gamespy instead of Midway. The 360 has voice chat automatically built in for any game made if it can play online.
About Me

PSN id: killer_beast_56

12/01/2008 02:56 PM (UTC)
I don't get it. If the game supports voice chat, how come noone can hear me and I can't hear people? I've tried this voice chat feature with friends and it never works. Is there an option that needs to be activated before we can use it? You guys feel free to add me to your friends list if you want to test this mic problem or just to fight. PSN id: killer_beast_56
Thanks for trying to help guys, much appreciated.
12/04/2008 06:33 AM (UTC)
I don't bother connecting my mic when I play non-group games or without friends because of the level of immaturity of most live users. If I notice someone who is seemingly cool and polite asking if I have a mic I'll hook it up and say hey.
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