Kitana X-Ray move IDEA.
posted10/30/2010 09:26 PM (UTC)by
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12/15/2007 03:07 AM (UTC)
I know the team probably already has made her x-ray move but I just can't see it not involving her retracting her fans while it being inside of someone.

She starts off by slamming a fan into their stomach while it's still closed and then it retracts, ripping apart various organs and breaking ribs maybe. Then she pulls it out, the opponent bending over gagging, and she delivers a kick to the chin, breaking their jaw. Two quick and devastating moves to make one nasty X-ray move.

10/28/2010 11:26 PM (UTC)
The ripping of the organs and stabbing would qualify as a fatality, no? well then again scrub-zero stabs someone with his ice pick..

maybe as her most devastating x-ray move. like you have to get extra super power or something.
10/28/2010 11:28 PM (UTC)
That's a pretty wicked idea. Expanding the fan inside of them, haha. I don't think "retracts" is the right word for what you were describing, though.
10/28/2010 11:34 PM (UTC)
It most likely isn't the right word...

You get the point though haha.
10/28/2010 11:37 PM (UTC)
Yea, retracts would mean that the blades would be going inward, rather than outward. Kinda the opposite, but yea, I feel you. I'd love to see this as a fatality or a X-Ray, but if it was an X-Ray, it'd need to look a little less lethal. Maybe she could stick the blade in closed, open it, and then close it again and pull it out.
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"I know this is not a very popular idea. You don't hear it too often any more ... but it's the truth. I have taken drugs before and ... I had a real good time. Sorry. Didn't murder anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't rob anybody, didn't beat anybody, didn't lose – hmm – one fucking job, laughed my ass off, and went about my day. Sorry. Now, where's my commercial?" - Bill Hicks...another dead hero.

10/29/2010 01:29 AM (UTC)
LucaTurilli Wrote:
Yea, retracts would mean that the blades would be going inward, rather than outward. Kinda the opposite, but yea, I feel you. I'd love to see this as a fatality or a X-Ray, but if it was an X-Ray, it'd need to look a little less lethal. Maybe she could stick the blade in closed, open it, and then close it again and pull it out.

Sub Zero crushes a liver. I don't think it's TOO brutal.
10/29/2010 01:46 AM (UTC)
Well, crushing a liver as opposed to having like a 2 foot fan of blades expanding inside your body and then being pulled out...

I think the fans have the trump card.
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10/29/2010 02:01 AM (UTC)
Others have their necks broken, I think one even breaks the neck twice. Don't get me wrong but that would instantly imobilize or kill someone.

Others have their limbs / spine broke but they can still use said limbs, etc.

Also, Sub Zero's ice dagger, would probably kill someone or come close to it.

In the end, it's about being as brutal as possible. This move would work best as an x-ray attack, so that you could see the fan opening and the damage it does. Not sure if they plan on making x-ray style fatalities, but it would work well in this situation, as I agree that it fits better as a finisher.

Only problem there is: what could she have as a x-ray move if this idea is a finisher.
10/29/2010 02:09 AM (UTC)
Well I would like to see it as an X-Ray.
10/29/2010 02:23 AM (UTC)
now this kinda shows how tough the MK warriors are they can be stabbed, have bones shattered, organs ripped out and still get up to fight >:D
but this could be how much stamina they have till they are completely exhausted to fight and these moves finish the job in order to kill them. just some made up theory's to explain these abilities to survive these attacks
10/29/2010 04:05 AM (UTC)
Here's my Kitana's 1 X-Ray move idea:

Step 1

Kitana jumps facing her opponent with her 2 fans but closed as a blade in each hand, then sticks them in the opponent's front right & left shoulders.

Step 2

The opponent lowers forward his upper body (90 degrees position or bow position) from pain and from the direction force of Kitana's 1st attack while facing her, so she lifts one of her legs up completely stretched (180 degrees) then she quickly drops her leg to hit the opponent's spine with her ankle.

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Kitana Kicks Ass!

10/30/2010 07:24 PM (UTC)
10/30/2010 09:26 PM (UTC)
Fans closed? it wouldn't really make sense if she used em like that because fans OPENED cause a lot more damage, so why would she not open em? IDK just saying. I think that her X-ray which I cant F ing wait to see, is gonna involve her awesome sharp boots.Like a flying kick to the jaw followed up by a vicious stomp in the face while the opponent lays on the ground.
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