Character death and Future Mortal Kombat games
posted07/25/2012 12:06 AM (UTC)by
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10/08/2007 02:52 PM (UTC)
When a character dies in Mortal Kombat's story, we all tell ourselves that "Nobody ever really dies in Mortal Kombat" and we assure ourselves that the character will be returning in a game or two; more often than not being completely unaffected by their recent demise and subsequent resurrection.

Almost every character has "died" one way or another within the franchise. In early games, characters like Mileena, killed by Kitana, and Johnny Cage, killed by Shao Kahn's extermination squads, both came back to life their same old selves within the frame of a single game. More recently, large quantities of characters like Sonya, Jax, Kung Lao, Kitana, and Johnny Cage again were all killed off at once between Deadly Alliance and Deception, and resurrected. They were probably even more unaffected by this (at least Mileena could use the fact that most people thought she was dead to her advantage and at least Johnny Cage's death was acknowledged in one of his movies). But come MK Unchained for the PSP and MK Armageddon, these characters were back to their normal lives as if they never died at all aside from a mention in Kitana and Jax’s biographies.

There have only been a few characters that have been dramatically altered by death; Characters like Raiden who turned evil after he self-destructed, and Liu Kang who entered a struggle between his seemingly uncontrollable zombified body and his good-conscience soul. And of course there's Scorpion, who was resurrected before MK1, who became a raging, vengence-obsessed spectre after Quan Chi brought him back.

Of course, all the previous death was undone in the recent Mortal Kombat reboot/sequel/revisiting, giving a chance for death to become a serious threat in the Mortal Kombat Universe. And since a lot of beloved characters found themselves in the NetherRealm in MK2011, the question isn't really whether or not they will come back (that's pretty much a given) but will they be affected by their death and subsequent resurrection?

Personally, I don't really care for the comic-book deaths. Most of the characters in the NetherRealm are good (ironically) but under Quan Chi's control they do terrible things; they fight, they kill, and they go against their allies. They can't control it of course, but when the surviving good guys eventually find a way to bring them back (I have no doubt that they will), how will they react? Is Stryker just going to say "I feel bad for what I did under Quan Chi's control, but now I'm going back to my life." That's what would have happened in the old timeline 9/10 times. But don't any of them develop grudges? Wouldn't they want to get revenge on Quan Chi? Wouldn't they want to help the other souls who are still suffering like they were? Maybe some of them still struggle with the Quan Chi's mind control and try to find a way to purify their souls? My point is, I think death should have a greater impact on character development in the MK Universe. What I want NRS to do is take something like Jax’s MK Unchained biography, and actually act upon it (I was pretty sad that they just threw this one out in Armageddon):

In the new timeline, dead characters haven't been restored to their full glory yet. Assuming that we will see them in their original form again, what would their death add to their storylines? Should it be a significant part of their story that expands or changes their goals and personalities? Should they act as if they never died in the first place and just continue their original goals? Are some characters that are more likely to be heavily impacted by their death than others? Discuss!
07/13/2012 08:18 AM (UTC)
Well it's foolish to ask that dead characters "stay dead", i.e. never appear again, considering "the place bad folks go when they die" is an actual realm that occasionally attacks Earth using the damned as soldiers in this series, and the end of the last game teased that that's exactly what the next game will be all about.

But it would be nice if future resurrections more frequently resulted in the character being changed by the experience in a permanent way, a physical way that can't be forgotten over time the way psychological trauma can be glossed over or ignored by writers.

What I'm suggesting, to be specific, is them taking a new form the way Scorpion had to become a spectre or older Sub-Zero had to become Noob Saibot to come back.
07/14/2012 02:54 AM (UTC)
I'm torn on this issue.

My favorite character, Sub-Zero, is now dead so I definitely want him back to life.

On the other hand, I would like death to actually mean death sometimes in this series. I want there to be a realm where some go that no other realm can reach.

Like I just want a few to come back this time. Of course I want Sub-Zero back. Kitana should come back too, and I really want the woman in Jade's ending to bring her back. I think Kung Lao deserves to come back too because his hat is

Jax could die and stay dead for all I care though, and honestly it would probaly just add to Sonya's story. Stryker still hasn't played too important of a role either and I could see him staying dead. Kabal is in that same boat. Sindel needs to die and stay dead as well. Nightwolf is just one of those characters that appears to be there so I think it would be okay to wipe him out too. Shang Tsung and Noob Saibot aren't dead, they are merely waiting for their moment to return.

Smoke is the special case being in the netherrealm now. I actually want him to embrace the netherrealm. It should enhance his powers since he is a demon of Smoke. It should allow him to break free of Quan chi and be a rampaging monster of his own.

So, really I want death to mean something. Only to certain characters That sounds selfish I know, but it's how I feel and honesty is the best

So basically

Back to life:
Kung Lao

Stay dead:

Reside in the Netherealm:

Not really dead:
Noob Saibot
Shang Tsung
07/14/2012 05:28 AM (UTC)
Death has become a novelty in MK because nobody ever stays dead. I would like death to become a much more serious part of MK.

Kung Lao, my favorite character is dead. I would like him to return, but the death and whatever he does under Quan Chi's control needs to significantly affect him.

Here's a scenario: Kung Lao feels guilty about the attrocities he committed under Quan Chi's control. He is traumatized by his endeavors and becomes a recluse. Then maybe he develops that "Brooding, Clint Eastwood-esque" personality.

(If my scenario for Kung Lao feels to similar to an idea another user has don't be afraid to say so)
07/15/2012 03:24 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Well it's foolish to ask that dead characters "stay dead", i.e. never appear again, considering "the place bad folks go when they die" is an actual realm that occasionally attacks Earth using the damned as soldiers in this series, and the end of the last game teased that that's exactly what the next game will be all about.

Yeah, I'm definitely over death not being forever in Mortal Kombat, and to be honest, I'm actually glad it's not because it would suck to have a great character killed off and never return. In a way death HAS to be temporary. Maybe I used the phrase "Comic book death" wrong. I don't want anyone to stay dead forever, I just want them changed when they eventually come back.

I do think that SOMETHING needs to be different about the characters after they're resurrected, but I don't think it necessarily needs to be a physical metamorphosis; at least not as dramatic as Sub-Zero to Noob Saibot. That would be cool in some cases, but not for everyone. The writers CAN neglect the psychological aspect of characters' resurrection. The key is to make sure they don't.

I'm thinking that, like Jax in MK Unchained, the characters could have a personality change. Thanks to story mode, the audience would actually be able to see what direction the characters are taking on this time around. Let's say the good guys snapped Jax out of Quan Chi's control. We know that Jax was sort of an in-your-face character who made a lot of remarks when he defeated someone in MK2011's story mode. Well maybe this time he would be a lot more quiet, lamenting over all the havoc he caused and expressing how he wants to settle his score with Quan Chi.

The changes could also be incorporated into the actual gameplay. Some moves could be added, some of the voice effects could be changed, and the fighting stances could be changed to show the new directions the character is taking. The key would be to make it apparent enough, build upon it in future games, and make sure each character takes death and resurrection differently from one another.
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I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
07/25/2012 12:06 AM (UTC)
I would like to see a development of the characters after they've been resurrected. It would be good character development.

This post reminds me from the scene in The Avengers film where Black Widow tells Hawkeye it wasn't his fault when he committed all those crimes.
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