Kabal enhanced to his fullest potential vs Kenshi
posted08/29/2017 01:45 PM (UTC)by
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05/30/2014 01:53 AM (UTC)
Regular Kenshi would probably defeat Kabal so I evened the up the odds. Who do you think would win: Kabal from his MK 2011 ladder ending or Kenshi from this current timeline?

I imagine Kabal's boosted endurance would make him as skilled as the legendary swordsman, this is based on the general assumption that you must be faster and more skilled to wield hook swords efficiently, when compared to users of Katanas or other long bladed weapons.
05/06/2017 03:21 AM (UTC)
I always thought Kabal was kinda stupid with his whackass iron lung powers that make no sense. Hookswords are bad ass but even if he is jacked up to the max I think Kenshi is just too good! Kenshi got this.
08/29/2017 01:45 PM (UTC)
Canonically, Kenshi feels like a prime player, whilst Kabal has been relegated to a kind of subservient henchman role. I can't see Kabal getting the best of Kenshi without a lot of chicanery.
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