Fellow Mk and Injustice player really needing a favor.
posted07/23/2017 08:17 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/29/2015 07:52 PM (UTC)
Hey everyone. I once had a nice fellow let me link my MKX for Ps4 to his mobile app to unlock the skins and I was wondering if their was anyone caring enough to let me do it again for Injustice 2. My phone will not support the game so I cant do it. I have already asked on this forum once and was ignored, even tried emailing a couple admins but no response.Benn a member of this site for a long time and this is the first time nobody has been willing to help. Anyways, Is there ANYONE willing to let me use their 6 digit code that has unlocked the console content on the mobile app just long enough to unlock the stuff on my console then I unlink immediately.Somebody PLEASE help me out! Me and my wife would really like to have those mobile exclusive contents. Thanks in advance! I will be hoping somebody will IM me and able to help!sad
07/22/2017 03:26 PM (UTC)
Nevermind,problem solved...
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/23/2017 08:17 AM (UTC)
...do you really need to create a duplicate topic for this?
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