Chameleon or Khameleon for MKXI?
posted03/12/2018 08:50 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/09/2018 09:10 AM (UTC)
So I’ve been thinking with Triborg and TMNT they seem to be trying to give players more bang for their buck whilst including some favourites (triborg anyway) so does anyone think this trend may continue with the next MK instalment with a Chameleon character as DLC as a way of squeezing in extra characters and picking up some of the beloved ninjas that may be left out of the roster?
03/12/2018 08:50 PM (UTC)
(As I said before) IF that is Khameleon on Earth's underground Zaterran throne in Reptile's MKX ending it would make sense if she was in (as opposed to Chameleon, for now). She could be a different breed of mongrel Saurian, who is distantly related to the current known raptors (although these are defunct). Chameleon could be one responsible for the succession of his own Saurian people over the Saurians of old, causing a war.
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