How about a Shoalin Monks style story mode?
posted12/10/2018 06:26 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/31/2010 04:01 AM (UTC)
What would you guys think about a Shaolin Monks style story mode this time around? I thought I heard this as a rumour somewhere but I can't remember where.

I loved the Shaolin Monks story but wasn't a big fan of the game because I didn't have much fun fighting 1 v 1.

I don't think I want a 3D fighting game and it would be a lot of work to have 3D fighting in story mode and 2D fighting for everything else. I don't know much about programming but it seems like that would require having two completely different fighting engines and that may be asking too much....

I would love it though, what do you guys think?
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

12/07/2018 11:33 PM (UTC)
It’s pretty much confirmed that the standard story mode format is returning. A few leaks have mentioned a SM style adventure mode, but as of now, that is speculation.

I wouldn’t mind it. Shaolin Monks seems to have a special place in the heart of most MK fans and it certainly seems like NRS has the manpower to pull it off these days. Personally, if it were to happen, I’d rather see it handed off to another studio and have it receive the attention it deserves instead of being this game’s side piece.
12/10/2018 06:26 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
It’s pretty much confirmed that the standard story mode format is returning. A few leaks have mentioned a SM style adventure mode, but as of now, that is speculation.

Where/when/who confirmed the standard story mode format? I believe you for sure, just wondering if there is any solid proof. I love the MK story, but I am not a big fan of the format (cutscene, fight, cutscene, fight, repeat). Would love me some SM style exploration.

Also wondering which leaks (and where I can find them to scrutinize for how plausible it is) said there might be an SM style adventure mode.

I wouldn’t mind it. Shaolin Monks seems to have a special place in the heart of most MK fans and it certainly seems like NRS has the manpower to pull it off these days. Personally, if it were to happen, I’d rather see it handed off to another studio and have it receive the attention it deserves instead of being this game’s side piece.

Interesting. I would love to see a full fledged, 3d SM style MK game. Even though they have the manpower I have a hard time seeing it coming to fruition. I feel like it might be too big of a risk for them, especially considering how long their cycles are between games.

I definitely see what you're getting at by not wanting a half-assed side piece that destroys the legend of SM. It's hard to say how long they have actually been working on this game, but I think it is possible for them to do justice to the 3D adventure mode style as a side piece.

Maybe it is just because of the special place in my heart SM occupies tongue
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