New Characters
posted12/10/2018 01:42 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/22/2011 01:00 PM (UTC)
I bet the four new characters will be:

- The Woman Who Appeared in Ending Jade on MK9. She and Jade will be the only characters that will migrate from reality in the game's storyline. He will have powers to return the opponent's time, affect dreams (like Freddy) and paranormal powers.

- Son of Kano, as the last (next to Frost) of the new generation. His gameplay will be as close to Kano as Cassie is to Johnny Cage, Jackie to Jax and Frost to Sub Zero.

- Mysterious figure working for the Dark Emperors of Netherrealm, it will apparently be an ancient Revenant of Quan Chi, but will prove to be the Holy Man of Onaga who captured Blaze and that in the Mortal Kombat Deadly Alince became the Undead General that was to be in the game, but it was cut at the last minute. His appearance will be based on his art in that game.

- New Minister of Kotal Kahn. I believe it will be under another name identitade (because this race seems to have some memory problem), the Ferra after Torr's death in his Adolescence. Its attacks will be mixed of the Old Ferra / Torr and Baraka and still with a Sanjiegun (like new element).
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