The good the bad and the ugly of Fightnight. (This is bound to get me bann)
posted10/27/2004 12:46 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/17/2004 04:42 PM (UTC)
Im sorry if this offends anyone but its not ment to.

The Good: I liked to get to see the MK staff discuss stuff and prove to the world they all were not on the same page. I dont care what people say because Boon and company said there were no SU's but then said SU? about monster, gave us hints they may or may not mean anything. I liked the fact that we got to here direct stuff from the team.

The Bad: Nothing concrete was said about anything. Clues were given then taken back by another member then given again. FOV 120?? Old Lady @ 12? WhereisQuanchi 456?? So no one say there arnt Su's.

The Ugly, and i mean Herman Munster type:

The damn Moderators. Im sorry guys but i thought you sucked it up. I dont care that i never got to talk to the staff, but for next time you guys should get yer shit together. I mean were the?'s screened with the MK STaff because none of them most people gave a shit about. You guys didn't sound organized and the questions did not flow. You didnt pressure for certain answers. Next time figure it out. Heres a guys are web artists design a WEB-device to take a poll if the question was answerd or not. Thenthe people watching can actually feel as if you guys are letting answers be said. Not to mention you guys were pricks about it, I felt like the whole damn thing was an MSN chat between you and your girlfriends, There for i do not blame boon for the let down.

If i do get bann for this thats yer guys's problem for not allowing ppl to speak up. No offense guys. If you are going to bann me then atleast give me a good reason.

Ekule for President, Ekule for Mod. Ekule for mod of FN
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-Family Guy "He's Too Sexy For His Fat"

10/26/2004 02:07 AM (UTC)
I'm afraid I have ot agree with this.

I mean, I don't think many of the questions were really answered, and as moderators it is your job to see those questions answered definitively. What happened at Fight Night was a chiil-out session between the MK team and members of MKO that are friends with the MK team. Nothing really was said that hasn't been said in threads that are now closed due to their inappropriate nature.

Too bad the ball got dropped this time, better luck with the MK7 edition of Fight Night.
10/26/2004 02:07 AM (UTC)
Pull the "Freedom of Speech" clause. Worse has been done, and you do make a good (albeit blunt) point. I wouldn't call Fight Night worthless, since it's always cool to see the creator's ham it up, and, as I've known for a long time, you know Boon's sitting back at his computer with a big smile one his face as the fans kill each other over the slightest, most minute hint at the impossible. Ermac in MKII is a more likely possibility than Rain in MK:D. Face the facts. They toyed with us, and that was their intentions. Don't like it? Become a developer. Fatality.
10/26/2004 02:09 AM (UTC)
You shouldn't get banned for this. Every person has the right to their own opinion.
10/26/2004 02:09 AM (UTC)
The mods are the ones who put this together and we were all's kinda shitty of you to critcize them for not giving this a more formal appraoch.

I think it went fine, except the un-concrete answers were kinda annoying...and most everyhitng was asked about the future of MK and not the hidden features in this MK.
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10/26/2004 02:10 AM (UTC)
you likely won't be banned, but this will definately be closed.
10/26/2004 02:15 AM (UTC)
Ekule 100% right though, although I dont blame the MKO staff as I'm sure Boon pretty told them how it was going to be.

I just feel like it was hyped up to be something it was not.

10/26/2004 02:21 AM (UTC)
hey dude i totally want to be a programmer/ Software design. My cuz is a programmer for EA so i hope to get a little help. I think everything the MK team was ok because they dont want to eveal so much. I thought Fightnight went ok from that stand point but in no way in terms of the mods. I didnt feel like ?'s were getting answered. And it seemed the mods screened question so they talked more about MK7 then Deception, they styaed away from the secrets, when Eddy replied with some hints ntohign was said about it. I just do not agree that the mods did much of a job and i feel i could have handled it better and so could they. No offense i dont have anything against the mods i like Murdoink i think hes cool, DABishop aint a bad guy., they just did not meet standard on this. I give this fightnight a D-
10/26/2004 02:26 AM (UTC)
The problem is they will ask what they want not
what us the fans want asked.They should let
the fans speak out at fight night!
10/26/2004 03:16 AM (UTC)
Sadly, I'll also have to agree.
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10/26/2004 03:28 AM (UTC)
You're absolutely right. Whoever said this was a chill out session for MKO staff was also correct. That's all it was. That's all the last was too. It was a hour of the MK team and the MKO staff joking around having fun while we all sat there wondering when there was going to be a shred of substance.

Both the staff and the MK team are to blame. Horrible questions and horrible answers. When we are told early on that MK7 hasn't even begun production what good is it to ask if Noob-Smoke will be seperated? What kind of a question is "will Noob and Sub-Zero be rivals"? No, they're not, it's gonna be hugs and puppies between them. Yeah, ok.
10/26/2004 03:31 AM (UTC)
Anyanka Wrote:
When we are told early on that MK7 hasn't even begun production what good is it to ask if Noob-Smoke will be seperated? What kind of a question is "will Noob and Sub-Zero be rivals"? No, they're not, it's gonna be hugs and puppies between them. Yeah, ok.

Hahahahaha. Awsomeness.
10/26/2004 03:36 AM (UTC)
Actually, Fight Night was a bit of insight into how the developers work with MK and the ideas and methods they use. It was a chance to get to a more personal level with the creators fo the games that we play.

However, everyone wanted to turn it into some damn interrogation, which was simply not the point.
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10/26/2004 03:38 AM (UTC)
Anyanka Wrote:
You're absolutely right. Whoever said this was a chill out session for MKO staff was also correct. That's all it was. That's all the last was too. It was a hour of the MK team and the MKO staff joking around having fun while we all sat there wondering when there was going to be a shred of substance.

Both the staff and the MK team are to blame. Horrible questions and horrible answers. When we are told early on that MK7 hasn't even begun production what good is it to ask if Noob-Smoke will be seperated? What kind of a question is "will Noob and Sub-Zero be rivals"? No, they're not, it's gonna be hugs and puppies between them. Yeah, ok.

LoL. Man what a piece of crap Suck Night was...I read the log and I want my 30 seconds back! For those that will ask, " would you rather have nothing?!" I can truely say thats what we got....nothing....same difference. Boons ability to answer questions is on par with his ablility to create a solid fighter... there I said it!
10/26/2004 04:25 AM (UTC)

One thing you learn having been here as long as I have (3 years); fight nights always suck. The mods always ask dumb questions like "How has sucess changed you" every single year. I wasn't expecting anything different this year.

I got all the info I needed; no Super Unlockables.
10/26/2004 05:47 AM (UTC)
From my stand point as a consumer and a long time fan, and although I don't know what the heck went on with tonight’s fight night, it was always obvious to me (since early on), that the majority of the lead staff on the MK project (*EB*) have no idea what kind of a mistake they are making by dissing the fans like this. I can remember way back when MK first came out, and how a bunch of us started up a fan base to support the game production, also gather info for other fans, as well as facts and UnLockable's from both MK and MK2 for everyone to share. We were even there to support these guys when they needed it most, which was during a time when any true fan can remember, when they were trying to ban such types of games; remember, these games were found to be too controversial when they were first released and there were even attempts to ban them, but no matter the circumstances we were there to support the MK project. In the end we too realized that we were also being treated like crap. EB, as well as some of the other staff members there during that time (excluding Tobias) were real jerks to us. Similar to what was described in this thread. To make a long story short, it sounds to me, that EB has not changed much since then. You would think that after all these years, fans would get a little more respect especially since we were the ones that got them this far.

Incase you were wondering . We eventually quit supporting them a year before MK3 was released and ever since then we never did purchase anything from Midway, not until now at least when I gave them another chance thinking things were much different this time around with MKD. It's a damn shame that things seem as though they have not changed since then!! Point being.... We are the consumers so we do have a say in this, at least in the purchases we make. Nuff said!!
10/26/2004 05:59 AM (UTC)
The whole thing was just a big marketing thing for mkda. The usually fluf questions were hyped, with pre-prepared "oh maybe" "well you have to play the game more and mabye find something", and some early hype for "grea upcoming new games brought to you by Midway (tm)"

The marketing term for that is Guerilla Marketing. Marketing departement started doing this in past few years. They analyse the internet scene of their domain, target a few interesting looking fan sites, and start showering them with "exclusive infos" using "mystery anonymous tippers". The interviews are totally safe and under control. After that, if the amateur webmaster is not going the way of the marketing dept, they just yank his support. THe amateur webmaster wouldnt certainly want to lose his connection that are usually reserved to big gaming/whatever the domain site.

Kevin Smith's team did it a few years ago for the movie Jay and Silent Bob Strikes back. Same thing with the movie Blade 2 and

It's free publicity. The webmasters think they are special, and the company can great a HUGE FAN BUZZ in a few days.

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10/26/2004 06:37 AM (UTC)
I'm sorry that a lot of you folks disliked the chat.

The questions for Fight night were from ones submitted by users via the email address we had provided.

I can't be 100% positive on the number as I personally didn't have access to the list of questions to be asked from the submissions, but at one point there were 120.

How many of those do you think weren't the same thing, asking about SuperUnlockables?

Let me tell you, from what DArque had mentioned in chat, the vast majority of them were.

You can only ask one question so many ways....and it got asked and you got a response from the Team about it.

Whether you like the answers or not, we have no control over that.

It's like Ed said himself "Do you want the truth...or a good story?"

While we can ask the questions, truth be told there are likely things that they aren't allowed to talk about, hence how some questions answers were worded.

After the 15 chosen questions from the email queue were done, we took questions from those submitted to the MKBot.

Too bad a lot of you can blame yourselves for a lot of the poor questions at that point onwards, because:

A) You were the ones who wrote and sent them to be asked. We got a lot of rehashes of the same questions, worded slightly differently.
Scott and others choosing questions tried to make good choices for you, and questions that were at least a bit different each time.

and more importantly:

B) If the vast majority of immature idiots hadn't sent in comments about what was said in chat as hateful responses to the bot for us to see, INSTEAD of valid questions, you might have had a bit more answers.

I'm sorry, but with over 1000 people (1,138 as John Vogel himself said in chat once) in there, and the steady flow of questions coming in and moreso, the extremely childish comments we were getting instead of actual questions, a lot of questions slipped past that we couldn't even get the chance to see.

If we could have had the ability to see and ask all of the questions everyone had for the MK Team, that would have been fine and dandy.

The harsh reality is that isn't possible for the timeframe we had.

The phrase "You can't please everyone" comes to mind, and a lot of work goes into setting up these chats for you folks that goes unappreciated by many...hell, I couldn't even be in there half the time I wanted to be myself for the live chat as Webmaster kept banning me for "flooding" several times when people would enter the room until I rectified the problem.

I realised that a lot of you wanted to speak, but having 1000+ people speak in a chatroom all at once is not a pretty sight.

Later on Murdoink and I decided we could finally try letting you all speak amongst each other and communicate with us hoping it wouldn't be a massive flood of information all at once.
I didn't want to prevent you from talking for my part, and other mods and staff can tell you that even.
But it wasn't feasible to let you all flood the channel with comments when there were so many of you there at the time.

That's my take on things at least.
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10/26/2004 07:05 AM (UTC)
I confess. I chose all those questions for fight night, and I only picked ones which would give unsatisfactory answers just to spite the MK community. I also got together with the Ed Boon and company and specifically told them to answer only in a way which would piss you guys off. [/sarcasm]

Seriously, we're on your side. We always were guys. There really isn't anything I can say that Jonin didn't perfectly state above, but it is disheartening that you would think we half-assed the event we've been preparing for so long. D'Arque and Scott especially hauled ass tonight, and you guys point the finger at the admins as if it was our fault that there aren't super-unlockables. Maybe you should talk with your "friends" who kept submitting childish nonsense throughout the entire event. That very well may have been the congestion that kept your question from making it to the MK staff.

I really can't believe what I'm reading from some of you. It's seriously one hell of a downer.
10/26/2004 07:30 AM (UTC)
I don't post here a lot but I feel I have to comment nonetheless.

I personally didn't mind the questions that much compared to how Boon answered them as if he did not care about us,the fans.It's like he didn't show us any respect whatsoever.As far as the questions are concerned though,I would have confronted him with more gameplay related questions...depth,better engine,infinite combos were shortly mentioned I believe,etc.Overall,pretty disappointing.On the other hand,I didn't expect much.

10/26/2004 07:32 AM (UTC)
This event was one a hell of a downer. How can you say the chat went extremely well on the homepage of MKO when 95% of the people who witnessed this group discussion are complaining about it?

When asked about the SU's some on the MKD team said yes, some said no, then another maybe and finally a "hmmmmm...".

So we still don't know exactly. You MKO guys say you're with us yet you didnt press them about the SU's and other significant issues that have been flooding your forums daily. They were dodging and half assing EVERY question that had to do with anything in the game, but yet sounded very professional when lame questions were posed that virtually no one cared about (MK7 stuff, violence and young kids, toughest part about developing MKD, etc...)

The only reason I can come up with regarding all this ambiguity and your lack of pressing for definitive answers is that Ed Boon and his crew told you that they were going to reveal nothing. Am I right?
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I do not give a fuck about story in MK games! Never have, never will!

10/26/2004 07:33 AM (UTC)
I am full with hate after reading the chat log
boon is a liar and who do they think they are that they can give BS answers like they give tu us. I wont give my money ever again to liars and guys who treat me like shit. FU boon
10/26/2004 07:38 AM (UTC)
Mods, there was absolutely zero fault on your part. You guys brought a chat with the Mk team to this site for free and asked questions delivered to you by the fans themselves. Rest assured, anyone who can still maintain a rational thought right now has no problem with you guys.

The fault is with the fans in general. Why were you all expecting so much? It was obvious that Boon would dodge as much as he could. For the most part, everything is still shrouded in secrecy as he wanted it to be. After weeks of building up your own hype for these 'super unlockable' characters, you guys act as if the sky fell when he dashed those hopes. If the sky fell on you, its because you created that sky yourself.

Please stop displacing that anger on the mods here. They did nothing wrong. They couldn't ask a million questions about SU's. It was all too obvious that Boon was thru with that question.

The mods brought you your answers, you didn't like the answers, and you blamed them for it.

10/26/2004 07:40 AM (UTC)
I must say this,the entire fight night wasnt annouced to long ago,second i didnt really care for it.But I must admit,if a question was asked then another one and just worded differently and were to get the same answer,well then should of just skipped it since they pretty much answered it.But I for one am kinda sick of getting half assed answeres from the mk team.Dude we dont want hints ok we want to know.And they shouldnt say something then take it back cause then one might wonder what was true or not or to believe any answers given.Not tring to piss anyone off cause i wasnt there so i can not say for myself how this all went.But IMO if their(mkteam)going to be like that then they kinda not need to do chat room questions anymore.Nothing agaist the mods but I think the MKTEAM needed to answer questions directly and not hint around to any.And not waste anyones times thinking their going to get something out of reading it and it all be pretty much bs and things we already know.
10/26/2004 07:42 AM (UTC)
I agree with Temp.

I think it's unfair and relentless to immediately blame the staff at MKOnline for what you percieve as a dissapointing interview with the MK team. Have a bit of respect for the fact that people put their OWN time aside to organise an interview for YOU and your childish friends.

I think the MKOnline team did a fantastic job setting up the chat/interview wether or not YOUR questions got answered properly, which at the end of the day, is the choosing of Boon and Co.

Personally I think that if you don't like the work the mods do here, find another website that hosts Fight Nights.

Congrats to MKOnline, I think you guys deserve much more appreciation that these infidels are able to give. Although the answers didn't spill much, what more can you expect from Boon and Co?

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