flowerz = owned...time for your spanking girl, youve been naughty...
posted03/30/2005 05:36 AM (UTC)by
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02/04/2005 08:10 PM (UTC)
listen up...bobby has a little story for you. where do we begin? hmm...lets see. flowerz decides she hasnt had enough of the great bobby blaze. So we duel it out...shes just getting owned, not to mention talking shit to bobby. You know bobby loves it when you talk dirtty baby. After several more loses she picks jinko and wins. shes all happy and talking shit about one 1. 1 damn game. omfg. plus, the only reason she won is because bobby hit the scorpion/jinko break glitch on the lie mea spin kick and lost all my breakz. So she continues to talk shit, then goes over and selects 'NO'. Shes all 'OHHH BOBBY BLAZE JUST GOT BEAT DOWN'. Now you may say bobby talkz alot of shit, but has never once stated bobby wuz good becuz I beat someone ONE TIME. Next time we meet your getting the mike tyson baby.

03/30/2005 05:26 AM (UTC)
what are we now 35-1? not something to be bragging about. tisk tisk
03/30/2005 05:36 AM (UTC)
Judging from the messages I've seen, I don't think this user appreciates you referring to them the way you are... especially since the topic of this thread itself can be questioned.

Don't harass people and keep this confined to one topic.

Thread closed.
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