10/24/2004 01:56 AM (UTC)
Any advice to help me out here? I'm a kid so I'm not gonna be as good as the rest of you guys, but I wanna know what you think. I CAN draw much better than this, but I seem to be stuggling drawing the MK characters. Heres one black/white concept sketch of a character I made up, Yetrof. He's supposed to be an ex-leader in Baraka's army who desorted after getting his face massacred in a fight against Baraka. He wears a gas mask to cover it up. Tell me what you think!
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Women pay me to give them pleasure...

11/03/2004 06:37 PM (UTC)
You'll want to start looking at proper proportions and human anatomy. Learn how to work with shadows... Use a finer pencil if you want detail...

11/07/2004 09:32 PM (UTC)
This is a great site that teaches you how to draw hands etc.
click here!
11/08/2004 02:25 AM (UTC)
Is this any better? Its incomplete, only the face. I did it from memory though, tried to go for realism. I made sure everything was scaled, but his right eye is off. Im fixing it at the moment and I'll post the fixed later, but heres what it looks like. Its Sub-Zero. Sorry the image is so light, its much darker in person. BTW: Thanks for the link, but I try and teach myself. Ive never used a tutorial before, and I want to keep on drawing until Im much better. My brother has been helping me fixing my propotions, he's in 10th grade art class and hes damn good at drawing. Although I didnt ge any help from him with the sketch below, he did tell me about the eye problem. Thanks for the tut though, but I want to go at it without a tut.

12/03/2004 03:13 AM (UTC)
I think you almost overdid it with this one. You should be more concerned with shadows, like the ones made by your eye socket ect.
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"Congragulations.Your still alive....Most people are so ungreatful of being alive.But not you.".~~Saw puppet.

01/16/2005 01:31 AM (UTC)
How can you make a sig and a customized pic with Adobe Photoshop 6.0?
02/27/2005 07:52 PM (UTC)
Don't know if anyone posted this yet, but if you want to post some good texts or fonts on your picture that you have drew then go here for some.

What I do really is study the pictures of other people's work and then try to draw it without looking. Then when I am finished I will compare the two drawings together. Now that I know how I draw I can see what I can improve on to make my art better.

I do the drawing again and then put in some details, everything that I missed before. Once I get it just right with the other picture (not exactly right) then I think that I am ready to try and make a picture of my own. I have made a picture of my karacter, but I still need to improve. Look at how other people add some texture and details into their pictures, this will help a lot. I hope that this helped. Bye!
I don't know if someone already posted this but........

This is something that I almost always forget about until after I finish a drawing.

Too late sleep

Anyway, you know how if you hold a drawing up to a mirror you can see if it's crooked in the reflection?

In Photoshop there is an option that lets you record your actions.

one of those actions can be a "Horizontal Flip"

To set this up so you can use it at any time on the fly, you have to open the "actions window"

Click on the "create new action button" it looks like a page with a folded corner.

when you click on that, a window will pop up that let's you name the action and set a quick key for it. = It'll give you a list to choose from like F2, F3, F4.............and so on.

I have mine set to F2.

Select the quick key you want, name the action and click "Record"

When you click record, anything you do will be stored in that file in the same order you do it.

So....after you click the record button, go up top where it says "Edit"

In the drop down window, select "Transform" then from the next drop down window select "Flip Horizontal"

That's all you need for the action.

Now you have to stop the recording, so on the "Actions" window, click the stop button at the bottom. It looks like a Square.

You are now done.

Now you can just click F2 or whatever button you set the action to and your image will flip.

You can now flip at any time on the fly.

Use this often so your drawings come out straight.

(Note: The layer you want to flip must be selected on the Layers window for that layer to flip)


A quick recap

1) open the "actions" window

2) Click the "create new action button"

3) fill out the options it gives you in the pop up window and click "record"

4) At the top of the screen click Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal

5) Stop the recording

6) click on the quick key you selected for the action to test it out.
(The layer you want to flip must be selected)
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Why care about people if they're not bloody and on your carpet right now?

07/19/2005 05:53 PM (UTC)
Jesus, how in the hell could I have forgotten that? That's an invaluable trick. Maybe if I actually drew more I would remember.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, using a mirror on your drawing forces you to see the information in a different way which makes errors stand out. When you get to working on a drawing for a while, you get focused on finishing enough to let little errors slip by. Then you come back later and see these flaws wondering how you let them by. I once read in a cartooning book that taking a break and coming back to see things like this is called Aging. If you really want to continue on your drawing and want to correct errors, then the mirror could (in a manner of speaking) save you hours.

Since I didn't want to post without a contribution, here's some drawing books by a guy named Loomis. He's good. Books up for reading include stuff on the hands and head, drawing the figure, etc. It's a good place to check.

About Me

Their are three erorrs in this sentence.

08/10/2005 01:24 AM (UTC)
I finally got Photoshop 7.0...Unfortunately, I have no experience, because I was gonna take a class in computer art, but it was full, so I tranferred to Outdoor Adventures..

Could someone give me a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a sig??

I have wanted to learn how to make a sig with the brush effects..

Could anyone do this?? You can give directions on how to do YOUR kind of sig(Don't have to include the render or pictures, etc, for copyright stuff, u no?) and I'll be happy with that..I need some help, yes, I suck that bad..

Also, post it here, so other people can observe...
Well, to make a sign, you need to design it and then put it together by painting, blending layers and too much stuff to explain right now.

I can give you the basics though.

1 = open a new document to the size you want. Try a size that fits in the signature section here.

2 =put it together, draw on it, put pictures. bla bla bla.........

3 = When you are done, save it as a .jpg file.

4 = upload it to an internet host and put the URL code for it in your settings.

To check specifics of every step here, just do a bunch of searches on line for tutorials.

Learn each tool, just mess around with them in Photoshop and see what each one does.

If you don't know how to use them, look up a tutorial online.
I posted this in a nother site, but I guess I'll post it here too for whoever needs it.

----Mirrored drawings in Photoshop----

It will draw like if you had a mirror up next to your drawing for some cool looking designs.

It involves making Action scripts, so if you don't know how, look up in this page to an older post I made on how to make an action.

or look up a tutorial online

It's super easy to make them.

I got it to work by setting up 3 action scripts. The 3rd one is optional.
It's a mirror script
an Undo mirror script
and a create mirror ready document script.

OK so........

Do this

First of all, have these things ready.

Open the Action's window

Open the History window

Now here's how to set up the Action scripts for it.

1) Create a new document with a filled and unlocked background layer.

2) Make a new layer above the background layer and name it "drawing"

3) Make a copy of the "drawing" layer and leave it at the default name of "drawing copy"

(Note: The action is name sensitive)

Right now you should have a new document with the layers stack looking like this.

drawing copy


background (this layer must be filled and unlocked)

4) Select the "drawing" layer

5) Create a new action in the "actions" window. Give it a quick key like F12 for example and name the action "mirror".

click the record button

6) (Follow these steps now while recording the action)

1 = Select the layer "drawing copy" and delete it.

2 = Duplicate the layer "drawing". So you have a new "drawing copy" layer.

3 = Link the new "drawing copy" layer to the "background" layer.

4 = With "drawing copy" still selected, go up to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal.

5 = Select layer "drawing" and stop the recording in the "Actions" window.


Not done yet, now to set up the Undo for the mirror action.


1) With the "drawing" layer selected

2) Create a new Action

Name it Undo Mirror

set a quick key for it like control + F12

Click "Record"

3) Go to your "History" window and select 4 steps back.

4) Stop the recording in the "Actions" window.

In the actions, if you look at the script you just made, it should say.

"Select history state -4"

If you see a different number, it means you selected the wrong number of undoes

Re do the recording so you get "Select history state -4"

That's it for the Actions.

Next, you just have to remake the "drawing copy" layer because it was deleted when you made the undo script. This only happens when you create the Action for the first time.


Now you can start to draw in the "drawing" layer.

If you want to mirror it, press the quick key you set up for the mirror Action in my case F12.

It's not an automatic update but it's the closest thing I could come up with.

Just draw and click F12, draw again and click F12 repeat......

If you want to undo a part of your drawing after you mirrored, press control + F12 or whatever quick key you set for it.

The mirror undo will go back 4 steps, so if you just want to undo 1 step, use the regular Ctrl+Alt+z

If you don't want to use the Undo script, just use the history window and select whatever step you want to go back to.

Final script (Optional)

This is a script to make a document already set up for the mirror drawing.

1) In the Actions window, make a new action and call it "mirror_set_up" or whatever you want.

2) set a quick key for it like Shift + F12

3) Click Record

4) Go up to File > New > and set the new document how ever you want. Leave the back ground filled with something like White.

5) Click OK

6) Now you need to set up the layers.

edit the back ground layer options. Unlock it and name it "background"

7) Create a new layer and name it "drawing"

8) Duplicate the "drawing" layer so you now have a stack looking like this.

drawing copy

9) Select the "drawing layer"

10) Stop the recording in the actions window.

Now, when you want to make a new document, you just click the Action for it and it will make a template to start from with the layers already set up for you.

If you want to change the size of the page or whatever, just do it like normal. Image > Image size and set it up however you want.

09/23/2005 01:42 AM (UTC)
i stick to the old holding it up to the ligh, backwards...the mirror is not that accurate...then regarding the PS...your shourtcut is too long...just go to:

Image> rotate canvas> flip horizontally...takes 3 secs.

when i draw i mostly draw from my head, but when you start out or question your proportions and etc. use refference, its not cheating everyone does it...even your idols

also try to use different media, like pencils, pens, ink, paint...it really trains your arm and help in the long run

check out my sketchbook if youre interested, but theres barely any serious work there =]

10/02/2005 05:24 AM (UTC)
I dunno if this is considered advice... but if anyone knos... can u teach me how to do loincloths like these in Smoke and Mileena?

http://mortalkombatonline.com/content/forum/showmessage.cds?id=59357 http://mortalkombatonline.com/content/forum/showmessage.cds?id=59306

sic8sic Wrote:
i stick to the old holding it up to the ligh, backwards...the mirror is not that accurate...then regarding the PS...your shourtcut is too long...just go to:

Image> rotate canvas> flip horizontally...takes 3 secs.

when i draw i mostly draw from my head, but when you start out or question your proportions and etc. use refference, its not cheating everyone does it...even your idols

also try to use different media, like pencils, pens, ink, paint...it really trains your arm and help in the long run

check out my sketchbook if youre interested, but theres barely any serious work there =]



It is not too long, it's faster.

It takes less than 1 minute to set up the action.

You only have to set it up 1 time. (never again)

From then on, you just have to click 1 button to do the flipping.

This takes 1 second and is a lot more convenient than doing

Image> rotate canvas> flip horizontally

every time...


Anyway, here is another tip.

If you are having trouble drawing perspective cylinders for like the fingers on a hand.

You can find something similar, like an eraser, or a marker cap.

Then just pose the object with your hand and draw the cylinders with that.

Then rotate the object to draw the next link in the finger if it's bending.

Drawing Hands

I figured out a trick that makes it a lot easier and faster. "For me" = Less than 20 seconds to draw a hand in any pose.

1 = draw the palm with a box or a basic shape resembling it.

2 = Draw a ball for the Meat of the thumb. If you see the inside of the palm.

3 = Draw 3 division lines on the box, where the fingers come out from.

4 = Lightly draw quick lines for a quick pose of the fingers. = like wires.
(Step 4 can be skipped if you want)

5 = Being careful not to make the fingers too long, use ovals to draw every part of the fingers. = one finger = 3 ovals.

Always draw the ovals from the foreground to the background. (Draw the one you can see the most, and then draw the ones behind it if the fingers are bending in perspective. )

Step 5 made an instant difference in my hands when I was practicing last night .
12/13/2005 10:11 AM (UTC)
I would like to know how to make lightning effects on programs like photoshop
12/14/2005 01:09 AM (UTC)
cyrax29 Wrote:
I would like to know how to make lightning effects on programs like photoshop

Here's a nice tutorial I use to do lightning bolts
01/19/2006 04:33 PM (UTC)
When creating a full character pin-up, you definatly should get a good reference pic first; Most if not all of the best artists have references handy, it makes life easier, the artwork comes out better, and it's a lot faster!

Hope this helps.
04/27/2006 04:17 AM (UTC)
i've got a question. my character drawings always come out looking like teens.(at least my guys do) i try do draw mud aged guys, but they only look like teenagers. any advice?

( i know its kinda hard without pics but my scanner is broken, so)
05/02/2006 11:53 PM (UTC)
I need help on fakes.
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07/09/2006 12:21 AM (UTC)
I need some sprite comic advice. How do you make it look like someone is morphing, like Shang Tsung.
08/06/2006 08:23 PM (UTC)
SickFreak Wrote:
I need some sprite comic advice. How do you make it look like someone is morphing, like Shang Tsung.

Aren't there sprites of him morphing?
Not sure If I posted this before, but here is a great link for anatomical reference.

Rey bustos
09/27/2006 06:07 PM (UTC)
Is it possible to transfer images made in Photoshop on the Mac to Windows? If so, how?
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