Only --Pure Elementals- Please!! pics welcomed
posted08/22/2011 08:10 AM (UTC)by
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05/29/2006 11:42 PM (UTC)
On Earth, we have:

1. Earth
2. Wind
3. Fire
4. Water
5. Animal
6. Plants
7. Electicity
And maybe..
8. Spiritual
9. Mechanics
10. Carma/Cerpandipity(emotional influence/luck,superstition 11. Speed 12. Sound 13. Magic/SourceryEnchantments/Spells
If I missed one just say so, i'll add it to the list.

So anyway, New Elemental Characters and their powers is what I'm looking for here. Different from just create a new random character.

I want to see a character that controls the power of earth. If you've ever watched the Avatar, you can imagine what I'm sayin' .

This character can through a unique martial art "bend" small areas of earth/land and use it as a weapon.


1. Sand sweep: A simple quick slide of the foot from any variation of distances would cause the ground underneath the opponent to turn to sand and make the opponent fall forward.

2. Earth Sommon: This could come from any direction and could be more than one move.
a. One move could be that the land from underneath the opponent could be pulled up and flip over, slamming the opponent.
b. He could sommon a boulder of whatever level they're on and push it at the opponent.

3. Fatality:
a.This fatality could be an equivilant to a sand storm. Eveftivly sanding the skin off the opponent i some unique way.
b. another could be quicksand death where, there might also be living "things" in the puddle of quicksand he creates.
c. another could be that he does a fantasic sommon of stones around the opponent and either stones him to death or drops the stones on his opponent.

Just a few, I got a million of these. I'll see what you guys say and add to your ideas though.

Elementals, pure elementals people. Be creative cuz anything goes.

07/04/2006 01:31 PM (UTC)
There are dozens of types of more special powers that can be put in MK; I would love to see new (or current) MK characters having new and different powers. I must say though, so far I'm impressed with what special powers characters already have; alot of elementals have been covered too.

Here are current characters using certain Elements/Powers.

Ice - Sub-Zero is basically the god of ice, without a doubt. With his powers constantly growing; becoming more godly, I can soon see Sub-Zero using ice to it's full potential.

Fire - Scorpion has this. Even though Scorpion may not fully control the element of fire, but he uses it enough to the point where he can be called the fire man.

Eletricity - Raiden is your god of thunder, enough said.

Wind - Fujin is perfect as the god of wind.

Water - Before we saw some of Rain's special attacks in MKA, I've always wanted a character with the ability to control water to it's fullest potential. With recent footage of Rain using special water attacks, I hope he now fully controls the element.

Earth - Tremor anyone? Besides him, we've yet to see an MK character use Earth-like powers. If Tremor never gets revamped into a better character, I want to see special attacks involving earthquakes/sand/rocks/mud/clay go to a new character.

Light - Ashrah seems to be the type of character that would fit this special ability, especially when she's dressed in white; hunting wraths.

Smoke & Mist - Smoke.....and Smoke only.

Sorcery - Shang Tsung and Quan Chi uses this best.

Animal - There are certain characters that have animal attributes. Liu Kang is known to have the Dragon in him, while Nightwolf's name sais everything. Kintaro is now more Tiger-like; Reptile matches that of a lizard/dinosaur. Though I must say.....having a character that can transform into various types of animals at will would be neat.

Mechanics - Cyrax & Sektor matches this perfectly. With explosives of destruction, too machine operated weapons, the 2 of them uses this best.

Lava - Blaze, enough said.

Here are my ideas of new Elements/Powers that should be brought into MK:

Nature & Plants - Having a new character that can transform his arms/legs into branches, whip out vines; stab you with spikey plants would be sweet. Maybe a new character from the living forest?

Poison & Toxic - A character with special attacks/powers involving posion, toxic; pollution. This character could release hazardous odours; shoot out streams of sludge. What about a new sneaky, samurai-like assasin warrior?

Spiritual - If not Ashrah, maybe there can be a new female character with heavenly powers. If not a new character.....what about the edenian gods?

Supernatural - I think a character having special abilities beyond the dead would be bad ass. And IMO, Havik matches this perfectly.....too bad he probably won't have any special attacks in MKA involving this.

Magic & Spells - A character with magician-like moves would be nifty. Havik is yet another who suits this, but even better.....Shinnok would own if he had this special power feature.

Metal, Steel, Liquid Metal - Another new character that can liquidize himself into metal and turn his arms into knives, razors, axes, hammers, chains, etc. Similar to the T-1000 from Terminator 2.

Insect & Bugs - New character that has bug-like special moves. He would be able to make spider webs, drain blood, sting, etc. Basically has different attributes from different types of insects.

Laser - A new cyborg-like character that can shoot lasers from his/her eyes and hands. He/she could also create there laser attacks in different forms (cutting disc, thick & circular; streams).

Darkness, Dark Energy, Vodoo, Shadow - I think Noob Saibot having powers of darkness would be perfect. If not him, maybe a new evil character.

Nitro & Oil - New character that uses nitro to boost his/her speed in battle; can shoot out chucks and/or streams of oil that blinds; slows you down.

Satanic & Demon - A new character with sanatic powers. What about human Drahmin or the never-yet created Baphomet?

Space & Black Holes - A new character that emerges from an entirely different universe, billions; billions of years away from Earth. This character can make black holes; disapear/re-appear in and out of black holes, teleports in black holes, etc. This character has the powers to make black holes/vortex's because he can rip holes in time and space; thats how he travels. Now that I think about it, Noob could possibly be a type of character that could use black holes nicely.

Virus & Diseases - New character/threat that is causing chaos by spreading diseases that is wiping out entire realms/races. If revamped and done right, Meat could play this role perfectly.

Tell me what you think. Feedback would be great.

Possibilities are endless when it comes to characters having special powers.
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07/04/2006 04:47 PM (UTC)
Dark_No0B Wrote:
There are dozens of types of more special powers that can be put in MK; I would love to see new (or current) MK characters having new and different powers. I must say though, so far I'm impressed with what special powers characters already have; alot of elementals have been covered too.

Good stuff, bro. I have nothing really to add to it other than weather. Someone who could control all aspects of the weather would be cool. Though that could go with nature as nature includes both the four main elements and the weather.

About the black holes, a character (villain) in Spiderman actually used those. He could attack in multiple directions due to it and teleport etc and he was annoying to fight.

I made a character concept of a light goddess called Ryoko, I don't know if you saw her, but here's a link. Please do not bump it. You'll see I used light as her main weapon in terms of special attacks. To be honest, I don't really see Ashrah in this sort of league.

Satanic, demon, nature, poison, plants, spiritual and the use of virus powers all sound interesting. These sound more interesting than some of the others like metal, shadow etc due to them being somewhat new. the others would lead to copies of other existing characters in other things which I'd prefer not to have in MK unless they were to be unique in their own way. Take Sub-Zero and Iceman as examples there.

A no to the lasers for me. they rmeind me to omuch of Kano, Jarek and Fulgore from Killer instinct. And didn't a Tekken boss have something similar too? Devil or something like that.

Also, magic and spells should be stuff Shang and Quan should be using. they're sorcerors! Kahn and Shinnok should use them too.

This thread inspires me to make some new concepts.
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07/05/2006 12:15 AM (UTC)
These are Great!

I like the recognition given to the "already there" elemental characters so I'll spend a little time on them for a second.

In future games I want to see (If these characters stay) each of them exploited more. Especially with the new console and capabilities in that.

1. Sub Zero:
A good direction to take the ice man would be in his moves and fatalities.
So, moves:
a. Basic Freeze Exploit this move by sprucing the look up. Maybe make it look like small spikes being put together to make an ice ball (this could also help illustrate he slight fall back we see as you're being frozen. kinda letting us know, "it does hurt to be frozen that quickly"). Or he couold just throw the basic freeze with one arm. After all he is the grand master, this should look more basic for him. He's been doing the "kneel down" thing for so long now, I think that move should become passive for him. Like the cold breathe thing.
Another idea for the basic freeze I just thought of that could sound a little gross at first is, maybe he could spit in his own hand and throw it at you in disscust. It would be quick and, I think it's right up the alley for MK's brutal nature. Fuck You!-- Is what it should signify. Excuse the language.

Other freeze moves should be given to him from all the other games. Again, he's the grand master now, none of these previous moves are out of his capability. Give them to him, he can handle it.

"C." (cold-get it?)
A new type of feature I would love to see from him in up-coming games is a "during his combo" freezes. Me and my cousin hashed over this idea for a while and it was concluded like this:
Since he's a master now, his ability to freeze during a combo would be almost involutary, to where if he hits you more than twice in consession, he freezes an arm, couple more hits and a low kick, he freezes a leg and if the combo is performed right the more he hits you the more you get frozen. The finally in the combo would/should be a power hit or kick that knocks you out of being frozen.

d. Fatality
There could be a lot more they could do with ice and fatalities of his.
The one I'll list though is one I've spoken on before.
One of his fatalities, I'd love to see that move he did in the first movie before Liu Kang so stupidly threw a bucket of water at him. I wanna see what could've happened to "Lui" if he didn't have assisitance there. Put it in the game, we want to orchestrate a finishing move like that. *swirling ice particles*

That's all I'll do on this for now, I still have some brand spankin new ideas I'd like to get to.

EDIT: O.k., I'm back.New Elemental:
A character I'd like to see that I mentioned before based on luck would probably be of Irish decent (it's only right. But, Think Boondock Saints as the prominate trait.). He would probably have blood red hair and would most likely have the clover as his brand. Congienial, I know.
He is a magician of sorts, not to step on the toes of the sorcerers, probably hailing from the chaos realm. This character would capatalize on the past games "glitches". Some of his moves could be related to another movie I like, Kung Fu Hustle/ The LandLord: ambadextrious

1. Centrifical Force(circular force): A unique way of deflecting a projectile as to not copy Nightwolf. When a projectile is launched at him, he would obsorb the energy and ricotche it back at his opponent as his own projectile. Grasped/input, by one arm, redirected through the body(nothing gross), and shot out/output through the other arm(like quick pop-locking). What are the "chances" of that is the effect I'm looking for. This move should have a level of difficulty to perform correctly.
2. Good luck, Bad Luck.
This move would sommon either the devil or the angel. The "devil" would pop up quickly and shove the oponent off balance into a combo type situation. A simple directional command difference would sommon the angel, and shove or blow the oponent away. One takes more damage than the other but both are starter special moves with flash and potenital.

Fatality:No fatality thought of yet....
07/06/2006 12:12 AM (UTC)
What about an elemental of metal? Here is one:

I am picturing his name would be Alloy. He would have the ability to control metal and form his arms and legs into knives and other metal melee weapons. It would be similar to Terminator 2: Judgement Day, the T-1000 concept, or 'liquid metal cop' if you recall. I am imagining he would have the appearance Silver Surfer, if any of you here recall about him. He is not human, since he is a elemental, and he cannot take on the appearance of a human being. But, he would be mortal, and he would be a cosmic being. If he touches any metallic object, he can become it.


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07/06/2006 01:31 AM (UTC)
RaisnCain Wrote:
What about an elemental of metal? Here is one:

I am picturing his name would be Alloy. He would have the ability to control metal and form his arms and legs into knives and other metal melee weapons. It would be similar to Terminator 2: Judgement Day, the T-1000 concept, or 'liquid metal cop' if you recall. I am imagining he would have the appearance Silver Surfer, if any of you here recall about him. He is not human, since he is a elemental, and he cannot take on the appearance of a human being. But, he would be mortal, and he would be a cosmic being. If he touches any metallic object, he can become it.


I like that idea, I like SS, I like the cosmic thing...Good, very good indeed.
11/19/2007 05:13 AM (UTC)
Ekkos his name and hes like sindell exept he can slam something together and make huge sound waves and he can scream too but not gay like sindel lol


stance:watever scorpion had as his 2nd stance in mk5

fatalty:Ekko slams his hands together and the sound waves slices through the enemy!

ThePredator151 Wrote:
RaisnCain Wrote:
What about an elemental of metal? Here is one:

I am picturing his name would be Alloy. He would have the ability to control metal and form his arms and legs into knives and other metal melee weapons. It would be similar to Terminator 2: Judgement Day, the T-1000 concept, or 'liquid metal cop' if you recall. I am imagining he would have the appearance Silver Surfer, if any of you here recall about him. He is not human, since he is a elemental, and he cannot take on the appearance of a human being. But, he would be mortal, and he would be a cosmic being. If he touches any metallic object, he can become it.


I like that idea, I like SS, I like the cosmic thing...Good, very good indeed.
Irony, how odd...

I'v recently drawn up a metallic liquid shapeshifter elemental of steel.


I've thought of him more as an unnatural being, unused to this form, maybe a spirit thrust into a pool of liquid steel. And varied anatomy, to make it look less human.
08/22/2011 08:10 AM (UTC)
The subzero ideas are great ive thought about the move he does in the movie too as a fatality or even something involving the super meter. I think when he grabs the opponent while throwing them they freeze making the fall look more painfull. The clone move i would like to see shatter on impact like if a projectile hit it or even shatter and then freeze the opponent if they touch it.

Im still trying to come up with a kamakazi idea where he jumps at the opponent and freezes himself while falling on top of them or something to that nature. Also maybe there could be to ice throws. the 1st would aim low or if in the air shoot towards the ground. The 2nd would shoot diagonal in the air at a jumping opponent.

for a fatality i would like to see him create his ice sword and shove it through there chest pinning them to the ground. as they scream they slowly begin to freeze coming from the sword wound.

I think when he does his ice blast it should look like hes hurling a baseball at them with one hand so the impact makes since.

Lastly he should look like an eskimo...
just kidding sorry kinda ran away from the pure elemental idea a bit
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