Garladors KOTW - Week 12 - Baraka Discussion
posted11/06/2011 05:41 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/23/2003 03:56 AM (UTC)
Greetings, one and all. Tis time for a triumphant train of thought and talk as we dabble head-long into yet another glorious week of kombatant discussion.

We're now through with Sheeva, Nightwolf, Mileena, Smoke, Shang Tsung, Stryker, Reptile, Sonya's boobs, Sonya Blade, Sektor, and Johnny Cage.

This week? It's our beloved bladed buddy, Baraka!

Baraka is the only playable member of the Outworld race of mutants known as Tarkatans.

He's also an ugly sonuvabitch, so you knew he was evil before you even had a chance to play a match with him.

(I don't know... maybe he's just misunderstood...)

Baraka's got a mouth full of fangs, demonic features, and, most noteworthy, long hard blades fused with his body that he pops out whenever he gets excited.

Baraka was made a general of Kahn's forces for being the most deadly and savage of his race of deadly savages, so that's saying quite a bit.

(he is the Lord of Darkness of his race. They might all be evil and violent, but he's the MOST evil and violent.... and I bet he hates unicorns TOO)

Baraka has then led Kahn's forces dutifully, though his story always hints that he's not above killing his way to power, or beyond killing Kahn himself to gain it for himself.

Also of particularly note is Baraka has a relationship, at times more overt than others, with the only other woman in the game smacked with the ugly stick more times than hippies at a war protest.

(let's see... an improperly dressed, infantile, sex-obsessed abomination conceived through unnatural means that asks if you want to dance instead of fight before every match? Yep, Mileena's a hippie.)

In general, though, Baraka has been a constant and recurring villain in the MK series since his debut, always using his considerable clout amongst the Tarkatans to fight against someone, somewhere, for some reason.

(In Tarkatan society, this is the only story they are ever allowed to tell their kids growing up)

Baraka debuted in Mortal Kombat 2 and very quickly became a cult favorite. Out of all the playable characters seen thus, he was undeniably otherworldly and monstrous and served as a stark contrast to the otherwise human-looking and attractive other fights.

(Seriously, if that face came running at you from out the dark, you'd piss your pants and surrender Earthrealm to Kahn too...)

To show that MK2 was far different from MK1, the sequel taking place in an alien world full of inter-dimensional demons and monsters, they decided to throw in Baraka as a sign of those changing times.

Naturally, they had to rip off SOMETHING, and around the early-to-mid 90's, everyone and their dog was in love with heroes and villains that could just spring out blades out of their forearms because it was just the coolest thing ever.

(Just stab everything!)

Using a cheap Halloween mask and gluing novelty fingernails to the mouth for teeth, they took poor Rich Divizio and squeezed his bald head into that thick, tight rubber mask and beamed hot spotlights on him for several hours, all the while probably taking bets on how long it would be before he passed out from either suffocation, dehydration, or heat exposure.

(I hear Ed won $8 on his bet of "12 hours in")

Because MK2 was turning everything up to eleven, Baraka also became an attention-grabber with his many stab-happy attacks that spilled copious amounts of blood, drawing the attention of every kid and teenager within a mile radius and activating every overprotective mother's sense of danger on a national scale.

("I sense Timmy is enjoying himself some make-believe violence. I must stop his fun at all cost... for his own good!")

Well, it worked. Baraka was a hit in MK2, long before tier-lists came out and pegged him as "Kung Lao's bitch."

("Kung Lao's bitch" IS a legitimate tier-ranking, right?)

Still, his popularity ensured he'd be seen plenty in future games (well, except the NEXT one... and MK:DA... and originally MK4... but you get the idea).

Baraka hails from a savage, barbaric warrior race that makes the Shokans look like high-class society by comparison.

("I do say, old chap, those Tarkatan ruffians are quite a nuisance around the neighborhood...")

Bred for warfare and hardened in battle, Baraka rose through the ranks to become arguably the deadliest Tarkatan alive, and was picked by Kahn to lead his people into battle against Earthrealm.

One could argue that Tarkatans never really question their orders or seek alternative solutions other than "stab it until the problem is solved"...

(works for Dexter)
...But then one has to remember that his entire race is born with RAZOR SHARP SWORDS in their arms. In our society, that's like being born with a Gatling gun for a hand and then wondering what to do with your life.

(Barrett's attempts to run a petting zoo for kids went VERY badly and led to many lawsuits and psychologically scarred children)

So, some could argue Baraka does nothing but fight and fight and fight, and has no real motivation other than that, but I struggle to see Baraka having the courage to pursue his true ambition in life as a world-renown sou chef.

(he makes a KILLER shish kabob)

In this new game, Baraka represents his race in MK1's tournament, only to be eliminated by Johnny Cage in about five minutes after the tournament starts.

But that's okay. I'm sure Baraka was just having an off day. Maybe during the MK2 tournament, he'll last a bit longer.

Okay... so he was the first elimination this time. But he led his forces in MK3, so surely he'd have a big role in the invasion of Earthrealm during MK3, right? RIGHT?!

Yeah, he barely in the final act of the game. His last big moment in the game was taking Jade's boot to his face.

(An embarrassing defeat? Yeah, sure. But the view was TOTALLY worth it.)

In the original canon, Baraka didn't exactly do that much either. He showed up in MK4 in a very memorable appearance, having survived a hat-slice from Kung Lao and stapled his body back together like it was no big deal.

(He's just a trip to Ace Hardware away from a full recovery)

Strangely, it WASN'T a big deal, apparently, because when he showed up again in MK:Deception allied with Mileena, he didn't even have a scar to show for it. He apparently was serving the Dragon King this time around, and apparently was backstabbing Mileena as she backstabbed him. I was never quite sure why they were backstabbing one another in the first place. I guess that's just how Tarkatans keep the fires in their relationship burning.

(They have amazing make-up sex... and the blood even serves as lubricant!)

In a hilarious turn, MK's most notorious blood-spiller showed up in the MKvsDC crossover over more superhero-esque characters like Johnny Cage or Nightwolf, though the T-rating made him about as effective and ruthless as if he were a kid wielding a foam Nerf bat.

I really wish I could write more about Baraka's story in this game, but there just wasn't much there, which is a shame because the NRS team tweeted that they actually had a whole Mileena/Baraka storyline planned that got cut from the game, leaving Baraka as nothing more than an ugly punching bag whose only notable as being a smidgen more fleshed out than Reptile was in the game.

(Like Pokemon games, that's only a very small improvement between the two of them)

But Baraka did survive the end of the game. While absent through the final third of the game, Baraka was certainly around in the warzone killing his way through our forces, terrorizing our children, and making off with all our women.

(Seriously, here's Baraka, making off with Sonya. Yes, even Tarkatans want her, it seems...)

Mileena survived as well, perhaps allowing a future game to delve into their twisted relationship and the love they've shared a tad more than this game did.

(which is to say "not at all". They have no love in this game.)

Baraka remains popular, definitely a cult-favorite and a go-to-example of the type of fighters MK loves to produce; a freakish monster with a penchant for spilling blood like every day is a scene from Dead Alive/Braindead.

(There was so much blood in that movie, I started to think my TV itself was bleeding out)

I confess, as much as Iove Baraka's design, that's about all I genuinely do love of him. His gameplay has always been the most lacking, to me, given that he's got only one measly projectile, hardly any pop-ups, and no teleport to get him out of trouble. He may have those wickedly awesome blades, a great look, and a badass attitude, but if this was the NES Ninja Turtles game, he'd be Raphael.

(Your range sucks, Raphael! Give me Donatello!)

Still, he's got the visceral side down pat, and nobody can say that NRS "ruined" Baraka any.

(Baraka's not joining these guys anytime soon...)

I mean, sometimes less is more, and sometimes if you develop a character TOO much in the wrong direction, you just piss off the fans.

(Samus says "hi")

But in this case, Baraka's in desperate need of an overhaul, at least from a story perspective. I remember as a kid being freaked out and fascinated by this ghoulish demon-man with the bladed arms and oversized fangs. As a kid, he's scary and tough and compelling. As an adult, where the luster of his shocking debut has long-since faded, and he has nothing but his story and gameplay to fall back on to, I think Baraka needs some serious help.

He survived the events of this game where many other story-rich characters perished, so he'll probably be back, but if he does, he NEEDS a boost in relevance. He can't just be a generic grunt in the next game. He's NOT a generic grunt. He's BARAKA. Don't associate him with generic grunts.

(at least these two were funny)

But Baraka remains an important part of MK history and lore. He may never be the best fighter, but you can't deny that practically no other character makes you squirm in your chair like Baraka does. The way he stabs and maims and mauls and slices his opponents makes my skin shriek in protest, and so long as he continues to do what he does best, Baraka can at the very least endure through the thick and thin, highs and lows, of Mortal Kombat.

So what do you think, peeps? Is Baraka the bee's knees, or are you with me in thinking he needs a kick in the pants up the story department? Do you want him to get some goals of his own that are unique, or is "I like power" enough? How about that Mileena/Baraka relationship? Like it? Hate it? Confused by it? Let me know!

And let me know who should come next!

Alright folks. Been fun. Garlador out!
10/23/2011 04:11 AM (UTC)
He need a new story. That's all I can really say about him.
About Me
10/23/2011 04:30 AM (UTC)
Give him his MKD alt with his MKDC/MK9 features.

Or make the staples canon.
10/23/2011 04:54 AM (UTC)
Baraka is what he is, a henchman. And we always need more henchmen right?
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

10/23/2011 06:02 AM (UTC)
I knew you'd see it my way Garlador. wink

Just messin'. Anyways, Baraka has been my number one favorite ever since I played Mortal Kombat 2 for the Sega Genesis when I was a wee tyke. Going through the selectable fighters I stumbled upon Baraka's ugly mug and I'm sure my face lit up like the 4th of July. He was perfect. He looked mean, deadly, and bloodthirsty all from the character portrait alone and that was what drew me into him.

I didn't quite understand his existence in the series at the time because I didn't really know better. I just knew he had a creepy face and blades that shot out of his FUCKING ARMS. That's all I really needed to get my attention back then. I played that game to death with Baraka...and then, he was gone. I haven't played an MK game since then and I was busy doing other things with my life. It wasn't until I picked up Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance that I got back into playing MK again. After the many plays of that game, Mortal Kombat Deception was officially announced...and the poster boy for the game was none other than Baraka himself. I was absolutely mind blown. I didn't know what to say. I was thinking to myself " That's the bald guy I used to play as from back in Mortal Kombat 2 and he's IN THIS GAME!!" I was filled with excitement. I can finally play as my favorite MK fighter of all time and boy did he impress me greatly.

Here's where I started to figure out stories in games though. I looked back at MK2 and seeing Baraka as the leader of Shao Kahns army. Okay, I could understand that. Then it goes to MK4 Gold and telling me how he now serves Quan Chi. Alright? Than Deception roles along and he's now serving Onaga. Wait a minute Something fishy is going on here. He keeps getting the same damn story!! If he's not serving one guy, he's serving the next. At this point I'm thinking, "Man, this guy needs a story overhaul ASAP." Of course afterwards, nothing has changed for him quite yet. Sure in Deception Him and Mileena were hooking up and in his MK2 ending him and Mileena were King and Queen of Outworld. (I know that's non-canon, I just thought that was interesting.) This recent news of a Baraka and Mileena relationship being scrapped from MK9 was kinda disappointing. Sure I know a lot of people would rather they not do that, but that was to me something of a change and I would wonder how that would play out in MK9.

It sucks that he was just a mere punching bag in the story and he doesn't have a single good part really rather than "Hey I'm here so you can kick my ass in 15 seconds flat for no reason."

Anyways, besides story, his design in my humble opinion is awesome. It's simple, but it looks good on him. Especially his primary. I don't know, I always liked the look of his MK2 outfit more than anything. I hated how he had the staples in his body and his Deception look is exceptional. The head spikes were cool heh. Fatalities are his coolest and most brutal yet. His "Take a Spin" being my favorite to perform. It's so easy and enjoyable to pull off online. The rage...THE RAGE!! Also the laugh he does before he spins them is kick ass.

I hope he makes it into MK10. REALLY REALLY do. Hopefully with some better inclusion with story mode. If not, whatevs, he will still be my favorite from years to come.

Cool post Garlador. 'bout them edits?

gringringrin (Hah, just kidding. You don't have to.)
10/23/2011 06:06 AM (UTC)
Why no 3 dragon points?
10/23/2011 06:11 AM (UTC)
Hmm the general of the Tarkatans and apparent leader of his people, I think he should be more than just portrayed as a grunt. I would really like him to help cement Mileena's rule over Outworld and become her co-equal as opposed to simple servant that is his most interesting plot element.

I don't mind having grunts and monsters though, I mean everyone can't be a deep complex entity and I get that, but I think someone like Baraka should have a bit more to him, give us a reason to think he's a suitable leader of the Tarkatans because right now, he doesn't stand out from his lesser tarkatan counterparts.

His costumes are cool, especially his alternate, that's a true costume of a Tarkatan general.

I think Baraka, Sheeva, and Reptile of all characters bring a great deal of diversity to the game and I think Baraka should return more often.

I'm glad he lived as well, cheers to his survival and eventual developments, let's get it NRSgrin
10/23/2011 08:34 AM (UTC)
Garlador,another great thread!

Well,I like everything about Baraka in this game,except the story.I understand this is retelling of MK1-3,but you can give something interesting to one of your iconic characters,NRS,for example that Mileena/Baraka relationship.

Actually,if they,for example,put some kind of rivalry between him and Reptile,I think that would benefit both of them.Practically,when you are talking about grunts in MK,Baraka and Reptile are on top of that list.The rivalry between two high-ranking members of Shao Kahn's army would be sweet.I always was curious what each of the villains think of each other.Reptile could be serving Shao Kahn,but despise Baraka for something. I dunno,that would be sweet in my opinion.

OMG,I AM SO FUCKING PISSED THAT THEY FORGOT ABOUT BARAKA/KUNG LAO RIVALRY TOO! I mean,in previous games,especially in MK Shaolin Monks,MK Armageddon (hell,it is Kung Lao who kills Baraka as we see in MK9) and MK Gold,we clearly see the many fights between the two of them (staples,anyone?) and I think that benefits both of them.If done right and not forgotten,this rivalry can be on the scale maybe not Scorpion/Sub-Zero,but at least Sonya/Kano or Liu Kang/Shang Tsung. Did you notice that Kung Lao and Baraka even share similar kind of spin move?

Hell,they missed perfect opportunity to show or have some indications about Baraka leading the Tarkata troops.I mean,I know that it was him who led it,but simple fan won't,because there was no sign of Baraka there. In that Wu Shi Academy scene,we should have had that Kung Lao-Baraka fight,I always thought that is where when their encounters in the future became personal,Kung Lao remembering all dead shaolin brothers because of him and his army.

Well,he definitely needs some story buffs and I say,in the next game,flesh out on that Mileena relationship. And I still want that Kung Lao/Baraka rivalry to happen (even though Kung Lao is dead now)
10/23/2011 12:31 PM (UTC)
Aesthetically, Baraka has instant appeal to most people. However, as a character, he's been pretty shallow ever since his beginning. He and his people are the token evil henchmen who will probably continue to be used throughout the series. Honestly, Baraka is one of those characters I don't care to see again even though I can expect to see him return. I don't really even care for the Tarkatans in general. There are far better and more interesting villains in this series.
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10/23/2011 07:21 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Aesthetically, Baraka has instant appeal to most people. However, as a character, he's been pretty shallow ever since his beginning. He and his people are the token evil henchmen who will probably continue to be used throughout the series. Honestly, Baraka is one of those characters I don't care to see again even though I can expect to see him return. I don't really even care for the Tarkatans in general. There are far better and more interesting villains in this series.

I agree with this...


..Bring on the Vampires!
His alternate costume is the worst costume I have seen him wear. I fail to see why that made it over the other better concepts.
10/24/2011 04:47 AM (UTC)
If I had it my way I'd make Baraka just as equally ambitious as Shao Kahn is, and be what they say he is... a leader, albeit a very violent leader but that has to count for something when you're a blood lusting mutant freak. The Tarkata to me are like the Western World's view on Native Americans. Savages with primitive a primitive culture. With the diverse topography of Outworld one can imagine that if Shao Kahn is to be an effective ruler he has to sometimes take care of the people that he is in charge of. Striking a deal with the leader of your world's most brutal and viscous warriors leaves them all expendable to you. Perhaps Shao Kahn made a deal as to decreeing a law that no Shokan, Centaurian, or any Outworld race step grounds on their lands.

Baraka though has to be a bit beyond his culture if he is going to work with Shao Kahn and be in the presence of other races and types of folk in Outworld. I could see Baraka being a rational and intelligent character, but at the same time a very hot tempered and wild character as well. I think also that Baraka instantly falls mad for Mileena when seeing her and shows her affection for the first time in her life. Maybe their passion is wild at first, but what drives them both more is their desire for power. Mileena I think plants ideas in Baraka's head that he could be a better ruler than her father and while both serving under Shao Kahn secretly plan on taking out Shao Kahn, however unknown to Baraka, Mileena has another card up her sleeve.

We need something like this to freshen up his character because he is in great need of some motive and development...
10/24/2011 01:13 PM (UTC)
Grizzle Wrote:
Perhaps Shao Kahn made a deal as to decreeing a law that no Shokan, Centaurian, or any Outworld race step grounds on their lands.

Tarkatans don't have lands, the games have always defined them as nomadic.

In fact, the way they live their lives just raping and pillaging every village they pass by, it's a wonder they're regarded as a "race" at all and not a plague that every other species in Outworld wants wiped out but Kahn won't let them because they're useful to him.

I've had this theory for a long time now...Deception tells us that Tarkatans were created when someone deliberately crossbred normal human-type Outworlders with demons from the Netherealm...but it doesn't outright say who.

So my theory is that Kahn himself was their creator. And the reason he did it was so he'd have an army, because the moment he took the throne, the ENTIRE military of Outworld killed and mummified themselves so they could wait until Onaga comes back, leaving him with no soldiers.

That would explain why they make up the majority of his foot soldiers, and why the solution to "how do we make this Kitana clone more loyal than the real thing?" was "throw some Tarkatan in there!". Working for Kahn is bred right into them, and thus, into Mileena. It would also be kinda fitting if they were designed to replace the Dragon King's Army, because they proceed to do that very thing a SECOND time in Deception when Raiden's blast destroys all the mummies so Onaga allies with Baraka to have troops.
Anyway, in the absence of Shao Kahn, I'd rather like to see a storyline about the Shokans, Centaurs, etc. finally deciding to go on full-on genocidal crusades against this mad dog race for the safety of all their peoples, and see how Baraka reacts to being on the backfoot and having to fight for his people's very survival instead of just because violence is in his nature. It probably would've been easier to set them up as an endangered species if they'd done it after Deception, thanks to the heavy losses they suffered at the hands of Sub-Zero and the Mileena/Bo' Rai Cho army ..but it could still be done now, because the point is Kahn's dead, so who is there to help them or care if these guys become pests to exterminate instead of the dominant force on the wastelands? Maybe this is their chance to expand on that Mileena/Baraka connection since she's the only one left in line for the throne...if she can handle it.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
10/24/2011 06:17 PM (UTC)
Gotta disagree with the statement that Baraka's not a grunt. He's the epitome of grunt. He the gruntiest grunt who ever grunted on the battlefield.

But I say that in terms of overall role in the plot.

Like espio said, not everyone needs to be deep and complex. Baraka don't need complexity. What he could use is just more screentime doing what he does best instead of just being a punching bag. He's good at being the guy who roots out traitors. The thing about Kahn's minions is that...well, given the right motivation, pretty well most of them would turn on Kahn. Some have.

-Sheeva finds out that her race is being mistreated, and turns on Kahn. She gets killed for it, but it happened.

-Goro, too, eventually allied with the Edenians.

-Tsung almost pulled it off an assassination attempt, with Quan Chi's help.

-Rain would stab Kahn in the back on general principle, and/or for a nickel.

-MKD showed Tanya working for Kahn. And Tanya is loyal only to Tanya.

-Ermac's kind of got Jerrod in him (Among him? Forming a strong part of him? Them?); very hard to imagine him remaining under Kahn's service for very long. He turned once, it could easily happen again.

-Reiko all about being up in dat helmet.

-Kano is, well, Kano. He sold out Sheeva to Kahn, and you can bet that if, say, Shinnok came along with a better offer - which may well happen next game as he's still around - he'd take it, if Kahn were still alive to backstab.

-Scorpion's worked for Kahn before, but he has no particular loyalty to Quan Chi, nowadays (though of course that'll change).

-Same with Noob, who serves under Kahn by Shinnok's auspices. And while Noob may serve, ultimately Noob Saibot is loyal only to himself, like others.

-Kitana turning on Kahn is just proper storytelling. It's what made her into the character we love. And with Kitana goes Jade.

-Mileena craves power too - at least, she did. And when she's after that is when she's at her scheming best.

There's maybe one guy who's completely loyal to Kahn, and that's Reptile. And he's the guy we most desperately want to see wriggle out from under that boot heel - and who we know still could do it if Kahn got cocky enough to tell him he'd never resurrect his race. Khameleon almost turned him. Almost.

I think Kahn desperately needs a few loyalists, people who are absolutely devoted to his cause and put their master before themselves. Who else is there? Kintaro could make for a very good loyalist figure given his newfound background. So could Motaro if he came back one day. Apart from that we have Chameleon and Skarlet, the requisite ultimate hidden assassins zomg; but neither have been given much in the way of development, apart from that Skarlet seems pretty loyal enough.

Baraka's been that one shining example so far, and my fear is that if we ask for him to be developed further, he'll become one of the many who make a power play, or scheme to do so, or backstab his lord for whatever reason. There's enough of that going on.

Baraka is who he is. He doesn't crave power, he's loyal to it. All I could really ask for is for them to show us that abandoned tether between himself and Mileena, and if necessary, establish that, as they did between those two in Deception, he's a soldier first and a lover second. If it comes down to it, he should choose to serve his master until that master falls.

Stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilll rooting for Cyrax sometime soon.
10/24/2011 06:45 PM (UTC)
My suggestion for next character: Rain or Jadesmile
10/24/2011 06:52 PM (UTC)
Baraka is my favourite since his first appearience (
And I really love his look and moves in this game. He's so awesome and badass. Damn, i can't say anything negativ about him. NRS did a great job.
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10/24/2011 08:56 PM (UTC)
You have an almost uncanny knack for choosing my least favorite characters first.
Howzabout some long overdue Rain or Kitana love next round?

10/25/2011 05:49 PM (UTC)
Another fantastic KOTW! Congrats Garlador for yet another hilarious and interesting analysis.

I'll get back to everything you've addressed as soon as I have a chance. For now, I'll just have to settle with stating that Baraka, as predictable and underdeveloped as he was, is always a fun addition.

He is one of my favorites not really because I care about his story or his importance as an individual in the world of MK. I like him because of what he is and represents. It's a shame, however, that he never seems to move forward and beyond that whole "slave lap-dog punching bag" role he's stuck in.

His race and role as a villain are cool. But, that's really about it. I could live with Baraka making cameo appearances in the game or being in the background stories. I don't mind when he skips a game or two and I don't super miss him like I do to other underdeveloped rising stars.

The main issue is that, no matter how cool he looks, and no matter how iconic he is, he's always the same old thing.

I'd love to see a Baraka with "human emotions". Someone who shows high intelligence and not just brute crazy impulsive force. I'd like to see a Tarkatan with feelings, and despite being all wild and rabid, still show some kind of compassion.

That would make a better character and could open doors for interesting development.

If anyone has ever read the Malibu Comic featuring Baraka, you would agree:

That's my favorite Baraka ever, and I wish they did something along those lines for him.

So, yeah, despite him being a character that isn't as interesting, developed, or fun as he could be, I still find him a valuable iconic addition to the world of Mk. Tarkatans should be important, but, they should be more than mare decorations for "punching bag" purposes. They should be more than just evil bloodthirsty creatures. Would love to see them be develop further than that.
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10/25/2011 08:13 PM (UTC)
The Tarkatan race can never really evolve into anything since they are just dumb, bloodthirsty brutes.

I cannot imagine Baraka, or anyone else in his race showing compassion.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/25/2011 08:52 PM (UTC)
I do not want Baraka showing "human emotion", but I do want him(along with Reptile and 30 other MK characters) to step out of henchman mode and actually be developed. If people want him to have no role other than kissing Kahn's- and whatever new villain that shows up-ass then why even include him in the game? He can just be given a mention in story mode and it'll free up a space for a character with an actual purpose.
10/25/2011 09:31 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
The Tarkatan race can never really evolve into anything since they are just dumb, bloodthirsty brutes.

I cannot imagine Baraka, or anyone else in his race showing compassion.

That's just the problem, because of the way they've been created, they can't show other things, liked as you stated, compassion.

I've always hated the relationship that he and Mileena has had over the years. Not that I don't want two characters having some sort of personal attachment to the other, but these two... I just felt that it was comical when I first saw it in MK2 and they made it even more of a joke as we went along in the future.

They should seriously scrap that entire concept and start over. You could still have him and Mileena be associated together, but not in a way where they're an on-again-off-again high school couple.

And I agree with Ahnka about stepping out of henchmen mode and being useful in the story.

He and several others didn't get a fair chance to show a lot in story mode in this game, and becuase he's not dead and that, could this happen now?
10/27/2011 12:57 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Aesthetically, Baraka has instant appeal to most people. However, as a character, he's been pretty shallow ever since his beginning.

This pretty much sums him up.

As for MK2011:

GAMEPLAY: cool looking moves + after the buffs he seems to be a viable character now. His gameplay gets a PLUS from me.

DESIGN: Both, primary and alternate costumes are decent, nothing breathtaking, but I don't have any complaints either. PLUS.


::: ::: :::

I do see him coming back in future games, especially now when the gameplay aspect of MK has become more prominent and the story aspect has dropped very low. This works in Baraka's favor. I'm still indifferent about him so I don't care if he comes back...
10/27/2011 11:57 PM (UTC)
I dont think its a horrible idea for baraka to have some emotion. Never seen that comic queeve thanx for that. Now that kahns not around they will likely have like razor mentioned survive as a race, and not just kill for the sake of killing.

Many say we need brutes. Yes I agree and that position belongs to all of the OTHER tarkatans. Im fine if he never shows any compassion for his race (likely he wont) but still we have to see why he is baraka, and not another tarkatan. Hes the big bad of them, I really hope in the next game there are story fights with generic fighters (ie tarkatn soldier one and lin kuie cyborg two) for the sake of the villans not (pardon my french) looking like total pussies. (and we can kill generic fighters)

Back to the whole emotion thing. Everyone is saying there part demon part human they are evil. Your missing the part human part. If arshra and sareena can be good (demons and only demons) why couldnt a tarkatn.

Im not saying make baraka be a good guy by any means whatsoever. I would just like to see him care about someone, or show motivation other than STAB STAB STAB! Call me crazy but id like to see some good tarkatn rebel and introduce new philosophies... A Tarkatn ghandi? a ghandi who uses blades to occasionally kill people if he need to... yea kinda a stretch for ghandi
11/06/2011 05:41 PM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
I dont think its a horrible idea for baraka to have some emotion. Never seen that comic queeve thanx for that. Now that kahns not around they will likely have like razor mentioned survive as a race, and not just kill for the sake of killing.

Many say we need brutes. Yes I agree and that position belongs to all of the OTHER tarkatans. Im fine if he never shows any compassion for his race (likely he wont) but still we have to see why he is baraka, and not another tarkatan. Hes the big bad of them, I really hope in the next game there are story fights with generic fighters (ie tarkatn soldier one and lin kuie cyborg two) for the sake of the villans not (pardon my french) looking like total pussies. (and we can kill generic fighters)

Back to the whole emotion thing. Everyone is saying there part demon part human they are evil. Your missing the part human part. If arshra and sareena can be good (demons and only demons) why couldnt a tarkatn.

Im not saying make baraka be a good guy by any means whatsoever. I would just like to see him care about someone, or show motivation other than STAB STAB STAB! Call me crazy but id like to see some good tarkatn rebel and introduce new philosophies... A Tarkatn ghandi? a ghandi who uses blades to occasionally kill people if he need to... yea kinda a stretch for ghandi

All of this sums up my feelings, pretty much.

I think Baraka would appeal to more people if he was portrayed in a different light, for once.

I feel that he has become the token "something" and is only there to fulfill one specific role. It's like he is there to be a filler....a cool and awesome looking filler that really spices up the world of MK, mind you, but, nothing more beyond that.

Also, I really recommend you look for that Baraka comic:

It's worth it. A nice presentation of the character with a totally original twist (for the Tarkatan). Pretty cool, indeed. I feel like it touches upon those things that we complain about him. All those things that have kept him stuck in this "one dimensional role" for years.
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