Fight Klub Patch Notes

Aug 18, 2023

  • Beta support for MK1 added

Nov 14, 2021

  • Requirement for special rank removed
  • Reddit integration launched

July 16, 2021

  • Fix handling of completed seasons (they were not showing any matches previously)
  • Fix changing of active game tab when watching clips

June 26, 2021

  • Further fixes to preferred platform selection
  • Add automatic platform feedback if match was played on wrong platform

June 13, 2021

  • Fix handling of tie rounds
  • Fix reading of "Sonya" in character select

June 6, 2021

  • Update decay notifications to only apply to the general seasons
  • New character page design
  • Improved setup process
  • Auto-switch game results tab based on current time code in clip

May 23, 2021

  • New decay system means that if no match is played in a 3 week (21 day) period, a user's rating score will begin to decay 1 point per day until reaching 0. A user can reinstate their rating at any time by playing a new match. Users are also warned at the 18 day mark that decay will begin soon.
  • Addition of the !setup command for easier setup of Fight Klub
  • Ensure the embedded Twitch always starts as muted
  • Add new notification if a stream has not been started within 10 minutes of a scheduled match
  • Discord bot commands now recognize partial character names, e.g. Sub for Sub-Zero
  • Various layout improvements to Fight Klub pages

April 20, 2021

  • New !guardpool and !unwatchpool commands added to Discord Bot to allow for being notified when someone enters a pool
  • Redesign of the Fight Klub landing page
  • Have pool joining always default to First to 2
  • Improvements to Fight Klub notification text
  • !letsplaynow accepts a challenge, if there is a single challenge outstanding

April 17, 2021

Updated Analyzer has been launched

This new version of the analyzer has a number of significant improvements that should help make Fight Klub far faster and more accurate:

  • The Analyzer now reads character select screens for both player and selected character information
  • If the players found are those of the played match, then clip verification is performed immediately and players are released to go schedule another match
  • If a character identification fails for a particular set, the character selected on the select screen will be used
  • Major improvements around reading usernames to prevent the bug where a username is partially misread
  • A number of major improvements around win detection, character identification, brutality matching, etc
  • Game sets are now analyzed fully in parallel, which should lead to a significant speedup in analysis for longer clips

April 11, 2021

  • A Discord notification is now sent to the #fight-klub channel when a user or users leave the challenge pools
  • Fix around preferred platforms in the challenge pool: We now use the correctly preferred platform when joining a challenge pool
  • Fix around platform username checking: The user's username on the game service platform (XBL or PSN) is verified right before a match is played, in case it has changed
  • Improvements to Fight Klub Setup: A mobile notification is now sent to verify that such notifications are enabled
  • Improvements to Fight Klub Setup: Users can now play in Fight Klub even if we cannot read their play status on the game service

March 2, 2021

  • Fix to prevent a user not fully setup from joining a challenge pool
  • Hide matches that have already started streaming from the upcoming match list
  • Add clarification text on Challenge Pools display on the FK landing page

Feb 28, 2021

New challenge pool system has been launched

  • Challenge pool can now be joined from either Discord or the Fight Klub page
  • Discord improvements: type !readytoplay to be added to the pool or !letsplay to autochallenge
  • Challenge pool now appears on the landing page and on the Fight Klub main page
  • Challenge pool now checks for activity on both the website and in Discord
  • Challenge pool will notify a member if they are inactive and about to be removed
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