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Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion Tournament 2021

The new Mortal Kombat movie didn't feature a tournament, but we can fix that! The 10th Annual Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion tournament aims to take stock of the franchise and its most recent installments. This year we'll audit the battles of the big screen and reflect on Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate! Who's next? You decide by voting in daily fight polls!

Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion Tournament 2016!

Since the dawn of Mortal Kombat there has been a single unifying truth: the will to fight! It is imprinted in all living things - an ancient battle cry echoing in the genetic survival of man and god alike! Victory is a temporary state. There can be no champions without constant challengers! No victory without amassing defeats! For this reason Mortal Kombat has always been - and must always be!

Once a year we extend a traditional invitation to all realms so that one warrior may rise above the rest! In 2015, we greeted a new generation of warriors who joined the fight against Netherrealm invasion in Mortal Kombat X! After months of debate and many tens of thousands of votes, fans chose the fantasy of an unsung hero they hoped to summon: Fujin.

In March, MKX got super-sized and welcomed even more fighters through the komplete edition package of Mortal Kombat XL. Alas; last year's Supreme Champion winner was still beyond mortal reach! With renewed objectivity we must therefore ask the eternal question: Who is the Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion?

The ultimate fan voting tournament has become an annual celebrated tradition on Mortal Kombat Online - summoning the entire fanbase to agree on a single champion from sixty-four fighters! Mortal Kombat XL will inform the bracket for this year, introducing first-time competitors while omitting some old favorites! Read on to learn more about what it all means and how you can join in! Visit the Fan Koliseum to share your votes and discuss battles more in depth!

Dark Kahn Render Now Available
As promised to us during this year's Fight Night event, Midway has released the final render of the game: Dark Kahn. To see the render, click below or visit the official website at WorldsCollide.com. He can be seen in the final stage of the game – combined throne room arena of Darkseid from Apokolips and Shao Kahn from Outworld.

Thanks once again go to samus_aran3900 for the News Lead on this one!
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