She was born Edenian nobility, but there is little noble about this treacherous kombatant! The next Invasion Boss has launched full scale war against online players in Mortal Kombat X!
This time it's Tanya who leaps out of story mode and into the fray in the name of Outworld! The downloadable fighter represents the ultimate challenge - one you won't overcome on your own! This will be a team effort as the boss tier threat pushes you to do what damage you can, before succumbing to nigh inevitable defeat.
Players can choose to join the White Lotus Society, Lin Kuei, Special Forces, Black Dragon or Brotherhood of Shadow. Representing a clan earns points toward special unlockable items and achievements, with every action in the game contributing to your clan's total assault! Use clan recruitment posts on the forum to share valuable boss strategies to help spur your faction to victory!
Choose your destiny and fight for them - or against them! Had a change of heart? For a small points penalty, you can switch clans at any time. Rising through the ranks of each clan will offer in-game benefits! Learn more about Clans & Invasions in the Mortal Kombat X: Faction War Introduction!
He was sired from the loins of gods, but his desires for mortal power overwhelm his noble heritage! The next Invasion Boss has launched full scale war against online players in Mortal Kombat X!
This time it's Rain who leaps out of story mode and into the fray in the name of Orderrealm! The Edenian demi-god represents the ultimate challenge - one you won't overcome on your own! This will be a team effort as the boss tier threat pushes you to do what damage you can, before succumbing to nigh inevitable defeat.
Players can choose to join the White Lotus Society, Lin Kuei, Special Forces, Black Dragon or Brotherhood of Shadow. Representing a clan earns points toward special unlockable items and achievements, with every action in the game contributing to your clan's total assault! Use clan recruitment posts on the forum to share valuable boss strategies to help spur your faction to victory!
Choose your destiny and fight for them - or against them! Had a change of heart? For a small points penalty, you can switch clans at any time. Rising through the ranks of each clan will offer in-game benefits! Learn more about Clans & Invasions in the Mortal Kombat X: Faction War Introduction!
She used to rule paradise as Queen of Edenia - now Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! The next Invasion Boss has launched full scale war against online players in Mortal Kombat X!
This time it's Sindel who unexpectedly strikes in the name of Netherrealm! The revenant represents the ultimate challenge - one you won't overcome on your own! This will be a team effort as the boss tier threat pushes you to do what damage you can, before succumbing to nigh inevitable defeat.
Players can choose to join the White Lotus Society, Brotherhood of Shadow, Lin Kuei, Special Forces or Black Dragon. Representing a clan earns points toward special unlockable items and achievements, with every action in the game contributing to your clan's total assault! Use clan recruitment posts on the forum to share valuable boss strategies to help spur your faction to victory!
Choose your destiny and fight for them - or against them! Had a change of heart? For a small points penalty, you can switch clans at any time. Rising through the ranks of each clan will offer in-game benefits! Learn more about Clans & Invasions in the Mortal Kombat X: Faction War Introduction!
As protector of Earthrealm he stands watch for eternity - but what happens when good gods go bad? The next Invasion Boss has launched full scale war against online players in Mortal Kombat X!
This time MKX Mobile Challenge Raiden strikes again for the Elder Gods! The Thunder God represents the ultimate challenge - one you won't overcome on your own! This will be a team effort as the boss tier threat pushes you to do what damage you can, before succumbing to nigh inevitable defeat.
Players can choose to join the White Lotus Society, Black Dragon, Brotherhood of Shadow, Lin Kuei or Special Forces. Representing a clan earns points toward special unlockable items and achievements, with every action in the game contributing to your clan's total assault! Use clan recruitment posts on the forum to share valuable boss strategies to help spur your faction to victory!
The Special Forces were victors in Shinnok's Elder God Invasion. Choose your destiny and fight for them - or against them! Had a change of heart? For a small points penalty, you can switch clans at any time. Rising through the ranks of each clan will offer in-game benefits! Learn more about Clans & Invasions in the Mortal Kombat X: Next Trailer!
You can't keep a fallen elder god down! Last week's Invasion Boss launched a full scale war against online players in Mortal Kombat X for a second time!
This time Shinnok returned to unleash his infernal power in the name of the Elder Gods! The fallen elder god represented a tall order challenge - one you couldn't overcome on your own! It was a team effort as the boss tier threat pushed players to do what damage they could before succumbing to defeat. In the end, the Special Forces emerged victorious!
Each week players can choose to join the White Lotus Society, Brotherhood of Shadow, Black Dragon, Lin Kuei or Special Forces. Representing a clan earns points toward special unlockable items and achievements, with every action in the game contributing to your clan's total assault! Use clan recruitment posts on the forum to share valuable boss strategies to help spur your faction to victory!
Choose your destiny and fight for them - or against them! Had a change of heart? For a small points penalty, you can switch clans at any time. Rising through the ranks of each clan will offer in-game benefits! Learn more about Clans & Invasions in the Mortal Kombat X: Next Trailer!
In a world of order - chaos reigns! The next Invasion Boss has launched full scale war against online players in Mortal Kombat X!
This time next generation combatant Takahashi Takeda is lashing out in the name of the Chaosrealm! The Scorpion's Apprentice represents the ultimate challenge - one you won't overcome on your own! This will be a team effort as the boss tier threat pushes you to do what damage you can, before succumbing to nigh inevitable defeat.
Players can choose to join the White Lotus Society, Black Dragon, Brotherhood of Shadow, Special Forces or Lin Kuei. Representing a clan earns points toward special unlockable items and achievements, with every action in the game contributing to your clan's total assault! Use clan recruitment posts on the forum to share valuable boss strategies to help spur your faction to victory!
The Special Forces were victors in Goro's Outworld Invasion. Choose your destiny and fight for them - or against them! Had a change of heart? For a small points penalty, you can switch clans at any time. Rising through the ranks of each clan will offer in-game benefits! Learn more about Clans & Invasions in the Mortal Kombat X: Next Trailer!
Eight-feet tall with four arms of terror! The next Invasion Boss has launched full scale war against online players in Mortal Kombat X!
This time Goro lives and he's unleashing his half-man, half-dragon Shokan fury in the name of Outworld! The Prince of Pain represents the ultimate challenge - one you won't overcome on your own! This will be a team effort as the boss tier threat pushes you to do what damage you can, before succumbing to nigh inevitable defeat.
Players can choose to join the Special Forces, White Lotus Society, Black Dragon, Brotherhood of Shadow or Lin Kuei. Representing a clan earns points toward special unlockable items and achievements, with every action in the game contributing to your clan's total assault! Use clan recruitment posts on the forum to share valuable boss strategies to help spur your faction to victory!
The Brotherhood of Shadow were victors in Kitana's Orderrealm Invasion. Choose your destiny and fight for them - or against them! Had a change of heart? For a small points penalty, you can switch clans at any time. Rising through the ranks of each clan will offer in-game benefits! Learn more about Clans & Invasions in the Mortal Kombat X: Next Trailer!
Order in the kourt of kombat! Last week's Invasion Boss launched a full scale war against online players in Mortal Kombat X and it was a surprise!
This time Kitana unleashed her assassin's wiles in the name of Seido the Orderrealm! The Edenian Princess represented a tall order challenge - one you couldn't overcome on your own! It was a team effort as the boss tier threat pushed players to do what damage they could before succumbing to defeat. In the end, the Brotherhood of Shadows emerged victorious!
Each week players can choose to join the Special Forces, Brotherhood of Shadow, White Lotus Society, Black Dragon or Lin Kuei. Representing a clan earns points toward special unlockable items and achievements, with every action in the game contributing to your clan's total assault! Use clan recruitment posts on the forum to share valuable boss strategies to help spur your faction to victory!
The Black Dragon were victors in Kano's Chaosrealm Invasion. Choose your destiny and fight for them - or against them! Had a change of heart? For a small points penalty, you can switch clans at any time. Rising through the ranks of each clan will offer in-game benefits! Learn more about Clans & Invasions in the Mortal Kombat X: Next Trailer!
Hello, baby. Did you miss me? The next Invasion Boss has launched full scale war against online players in Mortal Kombat X!
This time Kano turns his lazer sighted gaze to the goal of spreading chaos! The wanted criminal represents the ultimate challenge - one you won't overcome on your own! This will be a team effort as the boss tier threat pushes you to do what damage you can, before succumbing to nigh inevitable defeat or time limit.
Players can choose to join the Black Dragon, Special Forces, Brotherhood of Shadow, Lin Kuei or White Lotus Society. Representing a clan earns points toward player rewards and achievements, with every action in the game contributing to your clan's total assault! Use clan recruitment posts on the forum to share valuable boss strategies to help spur your faction to victory!
By the gods, reality is in peril! The next Invasion Boss has launched full scale war against online players in Mortal Kombat X!
This time Shinnok is unleashing his godly powers in the name of the Elder Gods! The fallen god represents the ultimate challenge - one you won't overcome on your own! This will be a team effort as the boss tier threat pushes you to do what damage you can, before succumbing to nigh inevitable defeat.
Players can choose to join the Special Forces, Black Dragon, Brotherhood of Shadow, White Lotus Society or Lin Kuei. Representing a clan earns points toward special unlockable items and achievements, with every action in the game contributing to your clan's total assault! Use clan recruitment posts on the forum to share valuable boss strategies to help spur your faction to victory!
The White Lotus were victors in Scorpion's Netherrealm Invasion. Choose your destiny and fight for them - or against them! Had a change of heart? For a small points penalty, you can switch clans at any time. Rising through the ranks of each clan will offer in-game benefits! Learn more about Clans & Invasions in the Mortal Kombat X: Next Trailer!