A Funny Story...
posted02/15/2003 01:36 PM (UTC)by
About Me

Member Since
02/10/2003 11:42 PM (UTC)
I can't believe this. Well, I can, but...

I ordered my copy of MK:DA from my local video store since the Sound & Vision manager @ KMart said we wouldn't be getting MK:DA in until early March, because the Sydney stores wanted extra copies. I payed $107 for it, since it had to come from Melbourne via express overnight couriers.

I rock on down to the vid. store on Friday and got informed the shipment of the games was delayed in the ports @ Melbourne but it'll be in on Monday. I thought "fair enough"

So I rock up to work today (KMart), and was asked to do a bit of repleneshment at Sound & Vision. The first 3 games I pulled out were MK:DA for GameCube! For $96.85!!! I was like: "What the ****???" Apparently we "got lucky" and got sent 3 copies of the game for every system.

I phoned up Mum in disbelief during my lunchbreak, and told her what was doing. She wasn't surprised, as this stuff usually happens to us. She phoned back a little later saying she just spoke with the manager of the video store, and b4 Mum got to say anything, the manager said how pleased she was that I was buying the game through them, because they were slowly going under, and my sale was a real boost to them.

So, here I am, out of pocket by about $10 on what I should have been, still no game, yet somehow I feel fine about it, and rather good about the whole situation.
About Me

anyone up for a snow cone?

02/15/2003 07:59 AM (UTC)
if selling 1 game is gonna keep that business alive, its not gonna be lasting too long...

02/15/2003 11:29 AM (UTC)
02/15/2003 01:36 PM (UTC)
I guess selling 10 games will mean a phat bonus for 'em all smile
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