frost's infinte test on PAL
posted02/19/2003 09:22 PM (UTC)by
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02/09/2003 11:18 AM (UTC)
well i read the frost infinate combo on the high level play thread (sticky). and i was wondering if they took it out on the pal version, i own an australian gamecube version. well i tried the combo,

ground freeze, ice slide (repeat)

and it doesnt seem to work on the PAL. so it seems they got rid of it. just just incase im not doing it right could other pal users test it out? im assuming the freeze after the slide is meant to his while your opponent is falling (and not fully hit the ground yet). or could any NTSC players tell me what im doing wrong if i am doing it wrong.
Aparently they got rid of the infinite combos.
I don't kno wot they are, I've just heard about it though confused
02/19/2003 09:22 PM (UTC)
yeah i heard this too, but i want to test it out.
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