Krypt Kuestion
posted02/19/2003 10:43 AM (UTC)by
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02/12/2003 12:33 AM (UTC)
WHen I bought my copy last week (one of the first copies to be sold in Melbourne, Australia!@ 8:30am grin) I noticed in the gamecube instrusction booklet it had the krypt koffin guide. with about 7 shaded koffins that say "gold koffins" there are way more that that many in there what is so significant about these? i can see that there is a light shining at the top of each of the shaded koffins that are stated booklet, this had been probably noticed by some of you ntsc guys but i am just curious as to why it says gold koffins when some of them are actually not gold? Also i notice that some of those paticular koffins are kuite expensive to buy
02/19/2003 10:43 AM (UTC)
It's just a starting point, some of these have good stuff in them, the rest are OK, but look for the coffins with high values.
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