MKDA is now finally out here
posted02/18/2003 08:21 AM (UTC)by
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02/10/2003 06:15 AM (UTC)
and im loving every bit of it. I think the MK team have done a marvellous job, and to the people that were astounded that there "arent enough secrets or fatalities", tough titties MKDA rocks.
02/18/2003 07:44 AM (UTC)
i couldn't agree more man, MKDA totally rocks. the MK team did an awesome job. i love the new gameplay,i.e. the authentic martial arts and the cool combo system. one fatality is fine with me, Moloch is a cool sub boss and the AI is fine. also the the extras like KOnquest mode and the Krypt are fun and the minigames Test Your Might & SIght are fine too.
02/18/2003 08:21 AM (UTC)
Yes, I got it on the 14th when it came out here in Oz. It's an awesome game, extremely in-depth fighting, each character very unique to the next, and their 3 unique fighting styles which represent those in real life, Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai, Karate, Wing Chun Kung Fu, etc. Truly the best MK game yet, and that's saying a lot given how much I enjoyed MK and MK2.
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