*Pi Gua Manual* - please post your thoughts
posted02/20/2003 05:02 PM (UTC)by
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---$c0rp10n & $uB-z3r0--- ...rule our asses...

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02/17/2003 07:13 PM (UTC)
hi, i have made a manual of Scorpion's Pi Gua Fighting style...enjoy...

1. Introduction
2. Instructions
3. Let us learn
4. ...and at the end...


1. Pi Gua is a very powerful fighting style, but it's not so easy to master. It may seem that pressing just one button is very easy. It's true, but you must not only push the buttons, you must think of your moves, and think of your oponent's next thoughts.
2. F - forward B - backwards U - up D - down
1 - attack 1 ( i have the ps2, so this is [] )
2 - attack 2 (^)
3 - attack 3 (X)
4 - attack 4 (O)
5 - style change (L1)
.5 - style change, it's a bit difficult: this must be very quick, but not as quick as in branch combos, so wait for the last move to end, and then press L1
+ - together
~ - quickly
* - put here any move you like
3. "Why it's so powerful and great?" you may ask me...
First: for some people it's a bit difficult to do the whole branch combo. But think about it: the two first hits in Hapkido are almost nothing!
So, start the *combo* in Pi Gua, and finish it with a 4hit combo with your sword,it's easy and makes much damage. For people who don't know: 2,2,5,1,1,3,*( i do 4h/c again: 4,1,1,3 )
Second: just do the combos you CAN do: 2,2,1 , or 2,2,3 and look at the heath meater of your oponent.

1) First, you must master the Hand-Sweep move ( B+2). It is very useful, when your oponent is doing a combo and you block it ( or he can't reach you ).
2) You all know the ordinary kick (X). To perform this move you must stand near your oponent. After performing it (your oponent falls nearby) quicky step towards the enemy and do a low kick (O).
QUICKLY do a fly kick after that ( the enemy will suffer from your low kick for a SECOND only )
So, this is kinda combo too, but it contains all full-powered moves.
3) You must also master the 3d-walk or Evade. With Pi Gua and knowlege of the 3d-walk you will be unstoppable.
It will all be very easy for you after learning how to evade you oponents attacks in the right second. So when enemy's attacking, evade his attack and do that *branch-combo* we were talking about.
4. Well, I think you've got it. Now use your knowlege wisely.
But at the end I want to present my own combo. It is not very useful, because when it's done correctly, it will be divided into two combos, and the second combo will do 0% damage.
But if you wanna amaze your friend or something, here you go:
(you must be in Hapkido)
Good luck !

If you have any questions about Pi Gua, post them here !

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MKII is a Glorified RPG...Turn Based Chip Damage!
02/20/2003 04:08 PM (UTC)
You forgot to mention that after EVERY move in Pi Gua, you can Backdash Cancel (BDC) after it hits to retreat to safety...so do b+2, then right when it hits do b,b.

You can also cancel into either a forward or backward jump, but they are sort of useless. Forward jump might be useful in a combo, but only for style points...I'd stray away from this method.
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---$c0rp10n & $uB-z3r0--- ...rule our asses...

02/20/2003 04:57 PM (UTC)
hi, i have made a manual of Scorpion's Pi Gua Fighting style...enjoy...

1. Introduction
2. Instructions
3. Let us learn
4. ...and at the end...


1. Pi Gua is a very powerful fighting style, but it's not so easy to master. It may seem that pressing just one button is very easy. It's true, but you must not only push the buttons, you must think of your moves, and think of your oponent's next thoughts.
2. F - forward B - backwards U - up D - down
1 - attack 1 ( i have the ps2, so this is [] )
2 - attack 2 (^)
3 - attack 3 (X)
4 - attack 4 (O)
5 - style change (L1)
.5 - style change, it's a bit difficult: this must be very quick, but not as quick as in branch combos, so wait for the last move to end, and then press L1
+ - together
~ - quickly
* - put here any move you like
3. "Why it's so powerful and great?" you may ask me...
First: for some people it's a bit difficult to do the whole branch combo. But think about it: the two first hits in Hapkido are almost nothing!
So, start the *combo* in Pi Gua, and finish it with a 4hit combo with your sword,it's easy and makes much damage. For people who don't know: 2,2,5,1,1,3,*( i do 4h/c again: 4,1,1,3 )
Second: just do the combos you CAN do: 2,2,1 , or 2,2,3 and look at the heath meater of your oponent.

1) First, you must master the Hand-Sweep move ( B+2). It is very useful, when your oponent is doing a combo and you block it ( or he can't reach you ).
2) You all know the ordinary kick (X). To perform this move you must stand near your oponent. After performing it (your oponent falls nearby) quicky step towards the enemy and do a low kick (O).
QUICKLY do a fly kick after that ( the enemy will suffer from your low kick for a SECOND only )
So, this is kinda combo too, but it contains all full-powered moves.
3) You must also master the 3d-walk or Evade. With Pi Gua and knowlege of the 3d-walk you will be unstoppable.
It will all be very easy for you after learning how to evade you oponents attacks in the right second. So when enemy's attacking, evade his attack and do that *branch-combo* we were talking about.
4. Well, I think you've got it. Now use your knowlege wisely.
But at the end I want to present my own combo. It is not very useful, because when it's done correctly, it will be divided into two combos, and the second combo will do 0% damage.
But if you wanna amaze your friend or something, here you go:
(you must be in Hapkido)
Good luck !

If you have any questions about Pi Gua, post them here !

After EVERY move in Pi Gua, you can Backdash Cancel (BDC) after it hits to retreat to safety...so do b+2, then right when it hits do b,b.

You can also cancel into either a forward or backward jump, but they are sort of useless. Forward jump might be useful in a combo, but only for style points... -- thanx to konqrr
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---$c0rp10n & $uB-z3r0--- ...rule our asses...

02/20/2003 05:02 PM (UTC)
thx konqrr...
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