So which of the stage fatality ideas do you think sounded the coolest?
posted02/21/2003 05:33 AM (UTC)by
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You know what they say when FSU loses a football game: Rix Happens

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02/14/2003 03:27 AM (UTC)
Mine would be the sea dragon one.
Any ideas sprung forth on the acid bath.
I believe the official one was about the budhas spitting acid onto the opponent at the end of the round.
02/20/2003 04:10 AM (UTC)
What I think would be pretty cool is the Wu Shi Academy having a PIT FATALITY!!! I know you have seen the video in the KRYPT that shows different views of it. It shows the bottom and it is pretty high up from the platform. I think It would be a remake of the PIT 2. My all time favorite stage FATALITY!!! Don't ya'll agree? By the way the Wu Shi Academy is nothing but cement at the bottom but you probably already know that.
02/20/2003 06:47 AM (UTC)
I think the best would be the sea dragon pit fatality. It's unique. All the others are kind of remakes or upgrades of the old stage fatalities.
You wanna know what the acid bath stage fatality might be like? Just do reptile's MKDA fatality. But the Lung Hai beast! That would be just awesome!!!
02/21/2003 04:49 AM (UTC)
i think a stage fatality at the lava shrine where the dragon egg was would be awesome.
it would be like the classic acid pool one from MKII.
02/21/2003 05:33 AM (UTC)
i think a kick ass stage fatal would be on the ship....have a classic uppercut like all stage fatals and the character fly up and get tangled in all the ropes of the sails and as he/she drops they get hung and to add juicyness to it have a kickback type whiplash jerk like someone who really falls with a rope around their necks and a realistic neck snapping sound as their necks snap and their feet twitch as they swing about 5-10 feet from you
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