What's up, PAL?
posted02/15/2003 11:41 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/15/2003 04:46 AM (UTC)
Probably too soon to ask, but is there anything in the PAL version of MKDA that isn't in the other versions?
What about the missing arenas the swamplands and senate of the elder gods? (According to Midway rep Claire Moore, these arenas were scraped due to time constraints, but she said that "they may make their debut in the next installment", so are they in the PAL version?
Also, anybody get spat on by an acid buddha or swallowed by a sea dragon?(just wondering - please don't flame me).
02/15/2003 10:58 AM (UTC)
I have played the US version before I got my own pal copy, and as far as I can tell it looks the same.

- No Stage Fatalities
- Same Arenas

I think its the same as the US version, except maybe a few bugs removed.

I hope this helps smile
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anyone up for a snow cone?

02/15/2003 11:41 AM (UTC)
dunno about all the bugs being removed..

this has happend twice, after the end of a round ( after I win) the enemy character kind of floats, and starts the next round mid-air and falls as soon as the round starts to the normal ground level stance..

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