Chameleons ending sucks...*spoilers inside*
posted11/30/2010 01:47 PM (UTC)by
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06/30/2003 04:34 PM (UTC)
When I beat the game with Chameleon, I was expecting an ending to kind of explain who he was compared to the other Khameleon who was unfortunately absent in this version. To be honest I am writing this from memory so it may not be 100% word for word, but it is what it said basically.

"Chameleon has been in hiding ever since the original Mortal Kombat Tournament watching events unfold while remaining unseen. When the fire element Blaze returned and the fight between the forces of good and evil ensued at the pyramid, Chameleon stayed well hidden. Remaining invisible, he made it to the top of the pyramid and defeated Blaze. All of Blaze's essence fowed into Chameleon and he will become the greatest Mortal Kombat champion ever!!"

And that was it!?! Is Chameleon like Reptile like the other Khameleon was? Is he someone or something else completely different? Who in the world is he!?! Argh! This ending completely sucks, as does a few other endings.
10/15/2006 02:31 AM (UTC)
You don't say...*sips juice*

But yeah, that's MKA's story for you. Most of the endings are crap anyway.
10/15/2006 02:37 AM (UTC)
I actually didn't mind Chameleon's ending. We all know Khameleon is from the same race as Reptile, but Chameleon never had an official story, so his plot is utlimately up to you. Can you really say what MEAT is either? Or what race, for that matter, is Shao Kahn? Just be glad he didn't form an all-female fighting force or something...
10/15/2006 02:39 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
I actually didn't mind Chameleon's ending. We all know Khameleon is from the same race as Reptile, but Chameleon never had an official story, so his plot is utlimately up to you. Can you really say what MEAT is either? Or what race, for that matter, is Shao Kahn? Just be glad he didn't form an all-female fighting force or something...
i thought that it was the invisable verison of another sub-zero
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10/15/2006 02:42 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
I actually didn't mind Chameleon's ending. We all know Khameleon is from the same race as Reptile, but Chameleon never had an official story, so his plot is utlimately up to you. Can you really say what MEAT is either? Or what race, for that matter, is Shao Kahn? Just be glad he didn't form an all-female fighting force or something...

Well yeah I can tell you what Meat is...

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Meat is a experiment by Shang Tsung gone wrong. It says so in his ending.

Anyways I kinda liked Chameleon's ending. I mean since they all aren't canon, Chameleon had a good ending imo.... Sweet if it were true and he was the MK champ in the new MK grin
Chameleon has green blood..his name implies a lizard...his name is near the same as Khameleon, who is a confirmed he is most likely a saurian...just saying.
10/15/2006 02:51 AM (UTC)
TheRedDeadVoodooMan Wrote:
Chameleon has green blood..his name implies a lizard...his name is near the same as Khameleon, who is a confirmed he is most likely a saurian...just saying.

speaking of green blood...why doesnt sheeva and motaro have green blodo? and shouldnt this mean goro and kintaro should now have green blood as well....

anyhow... seeing as how most the storylines are very simplistic or completely off the wall....especially TANYA's! I'm not so upset khameleon is left out.
10/15/2006 03:36 AM (UTC)
Actually, this is merely Ermac's Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 ending, except Chameleon can be perceived as a hero whereas Ermac is neutral.

Ermac's UMK3 ending
Having been in hiding since the first Mortal Kombat tournament,
neither the earth nor the Outworld recognized this elusive ninja. Ermac
uses his victory in the tournament to prove his existance as well as a
warning that he will return as an unstoppable force in the fourth Mortal

Not too much different from Chameleon's MKA ending.
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11/27/2010 09:58 PM (UTC)
Goro, Kintaro, Sheeva, don't have green blood because they are half-human half dragon, Motaro doesn't because he is half horse half humanfuriousfurious
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BunnyHaetsU - Ramblings of a man who probably shouldn't be allowed into society.

11/30/2010 01:47 PM (UTC)
Thank goodness the ending was spoiled again. I would have hated to have waited until 2006 to learn how stupid this was in 2010.

Bumping this thread though is about on that level.
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