Few Question MKArmageddon intro
posted01/04/2011 05:17 AM (UTC)by
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03/28/2003 08:07 PM (UTC)
I have few regarding mkarmageddon Intro Movie

1)Why everybody run to Pyramid?

2)what the logic of Shangtsung hair color change into white when liu kang grap his shoulderwith chain?
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01/03/2011 12:33 PM (UTC)
Everyone runs to the pyramid - it was explained the greatest fighters in the realms are attracted to the battle like moths to a flame.

Shang Tsung is actually physically aging into an old man. His youth was restored artificially back in MKII, he truly is a decrepit old man, and this showed in MKA when he temporarily lost his power. That's why his hair changed from black to gray, he also got a bunch of wrinkles, etc. This also gave the designers an excuse to show Shang Tsung in his MK1 look, thus making the story come complete circle from the early MK games to now.
01/04/2011 05:17 AM (UTC)
Thanks and why Blaze become boss does he most powerful character in storyline now or it's just change because Onaga was already boss in MKDeCeption
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