i wish they had Animalities
posted07/14/2015 06:00 AM (UTC)by
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12/02/2004 10:51 PM (UTC)
i wish they brought back animalitys that would be tight in 3d and also i would love to bruitalitys and babalitys and friendships does any one think that thoughs would be tight if not all wich ones would you like to see return????
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12/07/2004 05:21 AM (UTC)
Friendships and Babalities need to go away and never come back. Same for Animalities.

As for brutalities, yeah...i'd like to finish off an opponent with a massive combo.
12/07/2004 07:20 AM (UTC)
Yeah, Brutalities are alright. Friendships were alright back in the old days, but I don't know about that now. Babalities and Animalities are 2 things I do not want in any new MK. They suck.
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Really puts things into perspective, when a teenager pop singer turns out to be the re-incarnation of a german warlord.

12/07/2004 09:09 AM (UTC)
Friendships should definaly be brought back.
Cyrax's dance just never gets old.
12/07/2004 09:38 AM (UTC)
ok i think animalities would not be bad to bring back. just because most of the original ones were shitty doesnt mean they cant be changed for the better

babalities / friendships were the reason i hated mk3 lol they made mk gay and i am glad that was their only debut

now brutalities would be sweet
12/07/2004 09:53 AM (UTC)
babalities, friendships and animalities need to stay dead.

brutalities would be great.... just need re-designing so that after a brutality bones DONT fly allover the place. They should be more realistic.... ( perhaps show extensive facial damage and the occasional dislocation of jaw bones etc... ) ---REALISM
12/07/2004 11:32 AM (UTC)
ihearthotdogs Wrote:
ok i think animalities would not be bad to bring back. just because most of the original ones were shitty doesnt mean they cant be changed for the better

babalities / friendships were the reason i hated mk3 lol they made mk gay and i am glad that was their only debut

now brutalities would be sweet

actually babalities/friendships debuted in MK2. i think friendships should come back because with it being in 3D it could have a lot of possibilites. brutalities i didn't think were great in MKT because it all looked the same but now with different fighting styles it could look a whole lot different everytime you did a brutality. hara kiris should come back in MK7 also.
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12/07/2004 12:48 PM (UTC)
A couple of Animalities were okay. Liu Kang's giant dragon from MK2, Sub-Zero's polar bear, Shang Tsung's cobra, and Scorpion's giant scorpion from MK4 are like perfect animals for the characters. The problem is that some characters just don't have proper animals to morph into. So we're left with things like Baraka as a vulture and Mileena as a skunk. Having Animalities creates problems like these, so we're better off without them.
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12/07/2004 01:04 PM (UTC)
i think animalities would be hot if they came back. i mean sure some of the characters did not match up with the animals but that is not due to the character its due to the thinking. im sure baraka could have easily been the shark instead of i believe cyrax.....i mean baraka is all about teeth. mileena could have been paraunas or somethin. sektors bat was hot but that would fit nitara more suitably. so i give a yes to animalities in 3-d but the crew needs to think logically this time. Brutalities are good but if they bring it back there needs to be differenciation between them all instead of them all looking the same. never liked babalities and friendships ehhhh no say ....if they bring it then bring it if not then im not cryin over it.
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12/07/2004 01:22 PM (UTC)
While I agree that Nitara turning into a giant bat would be awesome, this should just be done as a regular Fatality (Just like Liu Kang's dragon and Scorpion's scorpion).

Some characters really just don't fit with any animals, AT ALL, and while others do (Raiden = electric eel, Sub-Zero = polar bear, Shang Tsung = cobra) trying to think of animals to match every character is impossible. This is how you end up with things like Johnny Cage as a kangaroo and Sindel as a wasp. This is why ]{0MBAT says "Just say no!" to Animalities, but supports some of the characters turning into giant animals as Fatalities.
12/07/2004 01:48 PM (UTC)
Yeah animalities would be awesome if they spent some time being creative with them.I never liked the weird pastel color thing they did with them in the past games I want eye candy.Friendships should evolve into a humilation type ender,this might be a good place to throw in babalities too this would be where you could go crazy with fatals and do whatever.I thought the original brutalities were lame,the same "beat until explosion" thing for everyone sucks and wasn't worth even learning for such a boring fatal,a new twist might make them worth saving tho.Anything in this series can be brought back to life and cool if done the right way,just takes some vision.
12/07/2004 02:16 PM (UTC)
Fatality, Brutality & Hara Kiri are the only 3 Finishers i like to see in MK series
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12/07/2004 04:43 PM (UTC)
as we all know mk is about originality and also throwing in some humor here and there. sure some animalities would be alittle silly but then again some fatalities are silly. some might not make sense but then again some fatalties dont make sense. johnny cage turning into a kangaroo is just as silly as boi rai cho killing someone by lighting a fart on fire. And kabal turning into a rhino is almost as confusing as scorpion doing sub-zero's head rip. but like i said before the midway team needs to think more about it because obviously they could have picked something more carnivorous for mileena than a skunk. Im sure if you post up a post for the people on this site alone to come up with concepts of animalities they could create suitable animals to match up with the characters. one obiously as i stated earlier would to take the bat from sektor and give it to nitara or give barakas vulture to havik that would fit him good. And yes there are already suitable animalities like tsung's cobra and sub's polar bear and obviously nightwolfs' wolf, liu's drangon, scorpions' scorpion, raidens' eel, ect that should not change just embelish on the way they kill. Because most animals just mawled them for like 6 secs and that was it. What was wrong with sindels wasp? if i recall correctly she was the first character to be able to levitate during battle and i dont mean just fly up and back down like kitanas punch so why not turn into something that flies? lol if boi rai cho wants to stick with the whole farting thing he should be a bombadeer beetle lol they are fat and spew two chemicals from their butts that combine to make a small inferno at about i think 200 degrees lol. Or kenshi could be a blind mole rat and then start boaring through the persons insides. there are animals for all the characters they just have to think. thats what Redexquisite says.
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12/07/2004 05:06 PM (UTC)
Some Animalities should be incorporated into the game as fatalities. this means that only a few characters should get the ability to morph into an animal.

Brutalities...please. Hitting your opponent so hard that it explodes? That was the worst idea since Babalities in MK2.
However, alongside with the fatalities, theere should be other finishers. Like each fighting style would have two attacks that can kill an oppponent instantly. This would mean that if there is an opportunity (the game regula-tes this or just simply when a finish him/her comes in) your fighter can perform an attack or a chain of attacks that kill the other.

Like hitting critical points in Dim Mak, deadly throws in Aikido and Baranta.
Every style would have theese two attack chains that would be made realistic. And for the ultimate killling two or three fatalities per character.

This would end in having 2-6 killing moves with 2-3 fatalities. That means you would have 4-9 ways of killing someone. Both sides would be satisfi-ed, becouse I know of a LOTS of people who despise animalities/friend-ships/ babalities and brutalities. Anm myself I am voting for that MK should become more realistic and more in-depth.
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12/07/2004 05:25 PM (UTC)
Jab316 Wrote:
Fatality, Brutality & Hara Kiri are the only 3 Finishers i like to see in MK series

I'll add PIT FATALITY but not like the death traps i want old school PITS and when u knock out your opponent from a bridge and he die on the spikes iwant to hear FATALITY like from, the trailer for MK DECEPTION when the announcer says FATALITY like animal.
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12/07/2004 08:17 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Some Animalities should be incorporated into the game as fatalities. this means that only a few characters should get the ability to morph into an animal.

Yup, I agree Chrome, it's better that way. This is how it was in MKII, when the only character who could morph into an animal was Liu Kang. (Although it would make sense for some other characters, like Reptile and Shang Tsung, to have these kinds of abilities too.) By only having some characters morph, you're ensured that the Animalities (or rather, the Animal Fatalities) stay serious like (most) Fatalities, instead of becoming a running gag like Babalities.

But the #1 problem is, it's just too hard to think of perfect fitting animals for each and every character character. Yeah, it's easy to say Bo Rai Cho would be a good pink elephant, or Frost an Ice Dragon, or Li Mei a butterfly, but what then? What do you do for Hsu Hao? Mavado? Kai? Fujin? Jarek? Darrius? Dairou? Hotaru? Quan Chi? Mokap? Ashrah? There's just way too many characters that wouldn't have a proper animal to turn into, which is why I'm anti-Animality but pro-Animal Fatality.
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12/07/2004 09:44 PM (UTC)
Change like the animal style they use.

OMG, just thought over this. Shang Stung morphing into a Crane and peeking your eyeballs out...scaaary. What's even worse, is Noob Saibot turning into a big black gorilla, and Kung Lao into a mantis (hey, mantis is cool, I like that one as a fatality-or something mantis related).
12/07/2004 10:03 PM (UTC)
DayDay88 Wrote:
i wish they brought back animalitys that would be tight in 3d and also i would love to bruitalitys and babalitys and friendships does any one think that thoughs would be tight if not all wich ones would you like to see return????

Wow, I just got a headache reading that.
12/07/2004 10:56 PM (UTC)
Babalities, Brutalities and Friendships I don't want.

Animalities, maybe for just a few characters, like Liu Kang (Dragon), or Nightwolf (Wolf)
12/07/2004 11:23 PM (UTC)
I say the mroe finishers the merrier. Maybe not babalities tho, they were a bit lame-ish.
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12/07/2004 11:24 PM (UTC)
i wouldnt mind seeing friendships return, some of them where great. i can just see bo rai cho doing a david brent dance
07/14/2015 04:54 AM (UTC)
Maybe a
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07/14/2015 05:44 AM (UTC)
why is this in the MKX board?

Why would you bump an eleven year old thread?
07/14/2015 06:00 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
why is this in the MKX board?

Why would you bump an eleven year old thread?

He's bumped like 6 threads tonight all across the board.
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