Is MK4 really a 3d game?
posted03/18/2015 03:31 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/10/2014 01:05 AM (UTC)
So, i've seen gameplay of MK4 but never played and if you ask me, it looks like a 2d mk game but with 3d graphics. Anyone care to comment?
03/16/2015 02:49 PM (UTC)
MK4 was special at the time because it was a 3D beat 'em up that played in 2D. For example, when evading opponents the player moved in a way which changed the position of the camera. There was little constraints back then with the models, frames and animation. It was still one of the first Midway instalments that used groundbreaking 3D graphics though. Howbeit, in the Game boy brand MK4 was in 2D. So, overall would you class MK4 as 2.5D instead or not?
03/18/2015 03:31 AM (UTC)
DAHK9 Wrote:
MK4 was special at the time because it was a 3D beat 'em up that played in 2D. For example, when evading opponents the player moved in a way which changed the position of the camera. There was little constraints back then with the models, frames and animation. It was still one of the first Midway instalments that used groundbreaking 3D graphics though. Howbeit, in the Game boy brand MK4 was in 2D. So, overall would you class MK4 as 2.5D instead or not?

Well, i've been told to round my anwsers up so...
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