Midway's official word on the final secret (Read)!
posted04/15/2003 12:43 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/15/2003 04:46 AM (UTC)
I wrote to Midway literally begging them to release the final secret(s) in MKDA, or at least to give us a hint or two. Anyway, I got a reply, and this was what they had to say:

Thank you for contacting Midway Games. I would love to give you the
answer, but the game developers are highly secretive about these things
and they have yet to pass the info on to us. When and if they do, it
will be posted online.

Claire Moore
Customer Service Manager
Midway Games
04/12/2003 07:19 AM (UTC)
Wasn't this what you expected? Midway will NEVER and I mean NEVER give out secrets for its games. The MK Team is just as bad. They will act like that don't know what they are talking about when they really do. They just want us, the fans, to find this final secret. I still believe there is one, and I will continue to believe it until proven otherwise. The best thing I can think of to do is to launch some sort of search. Try everything, and post everything you try. If all the members of this site keep doing that, perhaps the secret will finally be revealed. Anyhow, I know alot of people dont have very much spare time on their hands, so we'll just have to wait until someone gets lucky...
04/12/2003 07:56 AM (UTC)
But how? Where do we start? What are we looking for exactly? All we can ever do is play arcade mode, look in the krypt or something, and look for hints. Everything we come up with is either denied or considered ridiculous!
04/12/2003 07:58 AM (UTC)
But how? Where do we start? What are we looking for exactly? All we can ever do is play arcade mode, look in the krypt or something, and look for hints. Everything we come up with is either denied or considered ridiculous!
04/12/2003 08:14 AM (UTC)
So what? I don't give a damn if some people think my last secret ideas are stupid. They would be the ones stupid if I actually happened to find it. Since now I am pretty sure there is a secret in there, someone should find it. It might be simple to find, or difficult. I know, Bishop always comes over here and tells us what he is for sure is not a secret. Us secret hunters should just ignore such people that put down our ideas. Trust me, they'll love whoever finds it.

As far as where to start looking, well thats tough. MKDA is a whole lot more complex than the other MK games, so the secret may be too. My personal thoughts, I'd say it was either in the Krypt somewhere, or has something to do with that Portal Stage. Well, I've been in the Krypt mant times, so perhaps the key lies in the stage. Its still a mystery...
04/13/2003 05:13 AM (UTC)
Well I can't help the feeling that something in the game is locked, like a code or something, thus limiting what we're trying to do.
Like the portal stage thing - it has something to do with the portal sphere, but no matter what we do (what ever random buttons we tap in), nothing works, coz I feel that you have to unlock the "ability" to tap in the code.

The acid bath mystery is another thing. Sometimes when you lose at the acid bath, the cpu goes into "fatality" stance, and just taunts you. On the ps2, it seems that the cpu is pressing "R1" to do something under the fatality stance. But I feel that its "ability" to do whatever it wants is locked, so it just......glitches.

This is like in MK2 - under the hidden menu "test modes", you could switch on fatalities or friendships or babalities on, and at the end of the round, the cpu would do it!
About Me

04/13/2003 01:52 PM (UTC)
I know that u're all bored with it ...but I would like to tell my opinion about the "final secret". So U can earn coins in the game and in the krypt u can spend them. U can also check the amount of the coins by that screen at the krypt. What if there is a cheat kode with the NUMBERS (amount) of the koins? I mean what if theres a number combination? I hope U can understand what I mean. (sorry about my bad English --> Im a Hungarian guy :) ) so maybe theres a numbercode 123 22 258 564 263 781 (these are FICTIVE nubres by me :) what means : U have to get exactly 123 saphire, 22 onyx, 258 jade, 564 ruby, 263 gold and 781 platinum...

Please tell me what do u think about it???

PS: My theory could explaine why we could pay for empty coffins.....

04/13/2003 03:19 PM (UTC)

_Aky_ Wrote:
I know that u're all bored with it ...but I would like to tell my opinion about the "final secret". So U can earn coins in the game and in the krypt u can spend them. U can also check the amount of the coins by that screen at the krypt. What if there is a cheat kode with the NUMBERS (amount) of the koins? I mean what if theres a number combination? I hope U can understand what I mean. (sorry about my bad English --> Im a Hungarian guy :) ) so maybe theres a numbercode 123 22 258 564 263 781 (these are FICTIVE nubres by me :) what means : U have to get exactly 123 saphire, 22 onyx, 258 jade, 564 ruby, 263 gold and 781 platinum...

Please tell me what do u think about it???

PS: My theory could explaine why we could pay for empty coffins.....

me 2 Hungarian ,and maybe ur right with that number thingy about coins-nobody know ́s just try 2 figure it out and report again.and a question u have a clue what or how many coins u could get max?????? somebody???? lol
04/14/2003 05:24 AM (UTC)
It would be difficult to try to get a specific amount of coins, even near to impossible. Perhaps you have to spell something out in the krypt with the koffins? Perhaps that's why you can keep purchasing them.
04/14/2003 05:27 AM (UTC)

eugenicz Wrote:
It would be difficult to try to get a specific amount of coins, even near to impossible. Perhaps you have to spell something out in the krypt with the koffins? Perhaps that's why you can keep purchasing them.

I honestly.... don't doubt that... and think it's more than likely the answer.... but sincerly hope it isn't
if that were true... no matter how long this game stayed out there would be no way of really knowing we had unlocked everything...
04/14/2003 11:29 AM (UTC)
I've tried similar things. Like buying certain koffins and making all the different koin totals read 1243. Its a waste of time, look somewhere else.
04/14/2003 12:58 PM (UTC)
What about spelling out names or sentences in the krypt? Maybe that's why you can buy coffins over and over?
I spelt out goro (GO RO), but nothing happened : (
Have this urge of spelling out "hall of legends", but naah! Will take too long, and probably amount to nothing.
I wish Midway would at least give us some hints or pointers. No need to give us the answers (that wouldn't be much fun actually).
04/14/2003 02:59 PM (UTC)
Way ahead of you. I spelled out RA IN, SM OK EL IV ES, NO OB, and BA RA KA. Unsuccessful every time. Perhaps it is hiding somewhere unexpected, maybe it has something to do with Konquest mode. Have you ever taken notice to the names of the places that are visited throughout the journey? Maybe you have to have a certain character in one of those places and then press a button combonation. Of course, there are endless possibilities. But maybe the name of the place will stand out, maybe be related to a character in some way.
04/14/2003 09:16 PM (UTC)
I tried spelling out boon tobias to in order to spell noob saibot backwards in the krpyt but nothing happened.
04/15/2003 12:03 PM (UTC)
What about the profile screen? Maybe you could type passwords there to unlock stuff?
You can do this by typing "kwikkash" in the gameboy advance version to get a lot of koins. Been typing a lot of crap (PS2 version) but got nothing. Yes, the possiblities are endless.
About Me

Screw you guys, I'm goin' home -Cartman

04/15/2003 12:43 PM (UTC)
Has anyone noticed the ghost thingys in the House of Pekara? I swear one time one of them looked like the TOASTY guy from MK2. Read my thread on the Shang Tsung/Quan Chi switch too. I don't really believe there is anything hidden in this game, but denial is contagious.
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