MK videos from the kyprt and opening video threads
posted10/06/2010 01:17 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/04/2010 10:35 PM (UTC)
wats up i'm frostkai69 here to tell you i'm starting a kyprt video thread feel free to discuss any video you thought was funny or just plan stupid

okay from MKDA i liked cooking with scorpion it was humorious and yet it had no point but it's simple to remember

"this week on cooking with scorpion we'll learning about chopping tenderising and chopping cake decorating and chopping" yet ademina's music video was okay i guess but still

The opening video for armageddon you can tell the Mk team took their time however in deception the opening video was so cheesy but it served the point to say ahha it's reptiles body whoohoo so yeah discuss and comment and please speak your mind because it's not my thread and it's not your thread but it's our thread

peace out buddies

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