Reptile fans: SS-Z Reptile, Classic Reptile, MK4 Reptile in MK6?
posted03/17/2003 06:04 PM (UTC)by
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I'm not the Monster

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02/10/2003 06:20 PM (UTC)
Here is an idea for a stage and a secret character, version of a character if you will... lets say the bottom of the pit is unlockable in MK6, this would be a cool stage, snapping spikes and slamming into the poles as you fight,
fatalities in the stage? You could impale them on the spikes near you or on the poles or any variation of that... lets say you get a double flawless victory and perform a fatality here... suddenly a time portal opens up for some unexplained reason... I green ninja comes through the portal... he wants to know why he is here... you come to discover its Reptile from the first tournament and he still has Scorpion's and Sub-Zero's abilities (SS-Z Reptile), he explains that Shang Tsung could take souls of people he defeated, but by touching them he could take part of their soul(MK:DA) and get some of their powers, he did this to the two ninja warriors and he gave those powers he stole to Reptile, but they would wear off in a day, you fight this Reptile, and spare his life after you beat him and he runs off, a day later along your journey in MK6 you cross this lost in time ninja, and he has his MKII, UMK3, MKT abilities now, fight him again and you get access to this version of Reptile now, then you choose one of these Reptile's on the screen and beat the game with them... and this Reptile is sent back to his own time by means of the Dragon King or something like this( or the Dragon King brought this Reptile back for some reason, maybe since the present Reptile's mind is so far gone from de-evolving that he can't remember something the Dragon King needs to know, something Kahn or Tsung told him, I am going out on a limb here, and this is assuming that the Dragon King has the power to control time, Shinnok could so why not), but after being sent back to the first tournament Reptile is called upon again during Shinnok's attack, merely minutes after he had left from the future, lets say the Dragon King needed some info about Shinnok that the present one couldn't rememeber, because of de-evolution, anyway just some odd way to fit the classic Reptile forms into the storyline... for all of the Reptile fans.. later
03/17/2003 06:04 PM (UTC)
very very nicely said
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