Rumours about the portal stage.
posted03/30/2003 05:28 AM (UTC)by
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03/26/2003 11:56 PM (UTC)
Maybe we should just forget about looking for a secret in the portal stage. Remember the thing about the drum arena and that one big guy you were supposed to fight after a tie? I mean, maybe they wanted to put some secret into the portal stage, but they didn't have enough time for it. Just like in the drum arena. So we're all searching for something, that was supposed to be there (and still left hints to find it), but wasn't finished.
03/30/2003 05:28 AM (UTC)
You could be right, but then where could we search for the last secret at? Until I get confirmation from a REAL MK team member that there is no last secret, I'm gonna have to keep looking...
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