Technical Fatality's
posted03/21/2003 04:06 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/26/2003 11:17 PM (UTC)
I have this all new idea for Fatality's. For example, you all know what the executioners looked like back in ancient Rome. Well just to get an idea across, there would be an executioner charater on the game. When it was time for his fatality he would have these two monks push out this big giatien( a device used to sever ones head). Once it was in place, these two monks would drag the half dead oponent on the giatien. Then the executioner would sever the head and it would fall into a basket. He then would hold up his trophy, and claim his victory.
03/20/2003 01:26 PM (UTC)
that sounds pretty cool but, i think it would take too long to do but if you use more than too munks to push it out and move it faster it would work out cause 2 monks running and pushing it would be silly. another thing hae only 2 monks get the other player but then have him start fighting for his life you know. like struggling to get free then a few more monks run in to keep him still maybe one of them punches him or something. i agree that whole idea is awsome.
03/21/2003 04:06 AM (UTC)
Another example for Kung Lao. He would roll out this rack of hats to use for the fatality. He would pace back and forth in front of the rack. While rubbing his chin, he would see wich one is best. Once he chooses a hat that would best fit the job, he would through the hat at the oponent and cut off the head.
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