Ultimate Mortal Kombat DS
posted11/30/2010 02:42 AM (UTC)by
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"Pyscho Crusher!!!!!!!!!!" - M.Bison 1992-2010

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11/28/2010 04:54 AM (UTC)
Anybody played it here before? Did they love it or hate it? Who was your favorite character to use in that game?

Since the game came out when Mortal Kombat Deception's reputation was just about to be lowered, UMK came out and re-instored it. UMK is the faithful arcade port to ever step on a portable console, unlike its predecessor, Mortal Kombat Advance.
About Me

"Keep feeding me denial and hate. And from that, I will create".

Dimmu Borgir- Heretic Hammer In Sorte Diaboli

11/30/2010 02:42 AM (UTC)
First off, I have played it, played it with a couple of friends, and played till I broke my DS(s). I love the game, and furthermore would recommend the game to anyone with a DS.

Secondly, I kinda hate MK Advance. Not that it is a DS game, but a game that is taken from it's original platform game, should be of the same difficulty level. Basic difficulty. This game is a little bit trying. Therefore, would not recommend the MK Advance to anyone, unless they wanted to rid of their GB Advance.

Third, I have destroyed about 3 DS(s) due to this game. Does that mean something wrong? Not necessarily. One went 3 years running till it just wouldn't cut on anymore. Just glitched the hell out of it. The 2nd DS I thought couldn't do me wrong, but it did. Died after a couple of months. Then the 3rd one was my pride and joy. Beat the game several times with it (Reptile, Sub-Zero, Masked Sub-Zero, Ninja Smoke, Scorpion, Robo Smoke, Kung Lao, and Sindel). But "2nd verse same as the 1st" it died in 2 months. Are they under warranty? Yeah. So I am turning them in and getting them repaired or replaced should it come to it.

Overall, I like the game. I don't really know how far you're along on the game, but I can tell you, it will not disappoint. It's just like the arcade game, great graphics, sound, and bonus bios that you could see on the arcade seldomly, but can see regularly on the DS. Puzzle Kombat was surprisingly easy. Beat it within the time that I got the game...
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