UMK3 ios Update
posted06/18/2011 06:37 AM (UTC)by
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02/10/2003 04:12 PM (UTC)
Just a heads up for anyone who may be interested - the Ios UMK3 game has been updated today, adding the missing characters and the missing backgrounds. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet (still downloading), but hopefully they've fixed some of the other issues too, namely the sound.
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Signature by Pred
06/18/2011 06:37 AM (UTC)
Damn, I wanted to make the new thread about it! sad tongue
In any case, I'm enjoying the update, as I thought it was silly having so few of the characters available while still calling it UMK3, but now things are cool. It's weird that one still has to unlock Jade and Ermac but whatever. I do wish that they had fixed how some combos seems to have too much push-back against the opponent, making completing the combos pretty tough.
The fact that Shang Tsung morphs is pretty cool, though I kind of hate that they did it the same way they did in MK 2011 (he can only morph into his opponent)... You'd think that it still being a 2-D game, they could've worked something out, but I guess the 3-D sprites makes it too difficult.
It was a needed update, but there are still plenty of bugs and things that could've been done better instead of just making a direct port and only changing the graphics.
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