which ninjas should stray of from their ninja costumes
posted03/27/2003 09:07 PM (UTC)by
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03/25/2003 11:30 PM (UTC)
Rain if brought back should be diverse from other characters.I think scorp is going in the right direction unmasked,more like a spectre than a ninja.Noob if returned should not change,but become like reaper or something and bring smoke back with where we left off,but make him diverse from scorpion in skills.Ermac has potential,but I don't see,but can feel it.
Scorpion should stay the way he is in MK:DA. If there must be changes, I would make as little as possible.

Ermac and Rain should both be completely revamped from the ground up as far as costumes are concerned. The less connection they have to either Sub-Zero or Scorpion, the better.

As far as Noob Saibot is concerned, I really don't think it will matter what he looks like. Perhaps a more Netherealm-esque look might help him, but his character was never really explored enough to really be able to say.
03/27/2003 09:07 PM (UTC)
I think Scorpion should look have the burning skull head like in MK:DA.
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