Lag Switching!!
posted04/20/2023 08:11 PM (UTC)by
NorthernKnick A.K.A. The ALLFATHER
About Me

Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!

Member Since
02/25/2021 04:52 AM (UTC)

Lag Switching is a Serious Problem I Hope They Disconnect Players That Have any Lag in MK12 cuz this Lag that Happens only when its my turn gets old fast I Just Quit Say Screw it I Hate Cheaters Cant even Pull off a wakeup attack. I Try To do a wakeup attack ping Jumps from 80 to 120 same when i start a combo or while im in mid combo but never when its their turn NO.... WTF. If The Characters were balanced it wouldnt be so bad but all i see is spamming lag switching cry babies MK9 was not like this but I guess we gotta deal with the wihining Runts Who Need to Be Catered to Upon all The Cheating Cuz of Sales or W/E.

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