Skullgirls 2nd Encore
posted07/25/2015 05:48 PM (UTC)by
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05/08/2006 09:41 PM (UTC)

Anyone excited for this? Was gifted this game on PC about a month ago and managed to pick up all of the dlc for $4 total. Can't wait to get my hands on it for PS4.

I'm pretty interested in the fully voiced story (even though I did the stories on PC) and trial mode. I'm sure some of the trials will be frustratingly difficult like most games that have them but it is nice to see more content regardless of what it is.

Robo-Fortune was pretty fun to play as in the Endless Beta so I'm looking forward to seeing her in the actual game.

I'll probably be hosting a lobby tonight when the game releases. Feel free to add me (PSN: KingBellsprout) if interested in playing a few matches.
07/07/2015 02:16 PM (UTC)
ill be playing it on steam. downloaded finished few min ago. hoping down the line they add few more characters like brain drain, chef character, 2 other 1's.
07/07/2015 04:01 PM (UTC)
Had some really good matches last night. Got paired up with SonicFox twice last night. First time was my Fukua vs his Fukua/Eliza pair. I had a decent start and then he destroyed me. Matched up again and he went with Robo-Fortune/Eliza. I was able to take out Robo-Fortune but his Eliza is just too damn good.
07/19/2015 04:53 PM (UTC)
How does this game play? I have never played before , I mainly play MK with SF and Tekken on the side. Does it play like any of those in terms of controls?
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

07/19/2015 05:20 PM (UTC)
It plays more like Marvel vs Capcom 2 except you can choose whether you wanna role with one, two, or three characters. Playing only one character gives you more health and more power while playing as three characters for a team gives you less health and less power, but it's still pretty fair.
07/20/2015 10:32 PM (UTC)
Awesome, thanks! I have never played a MVC game so it will be a new expiernece for me lol glad to know I can play as only one character though, I prefer that over a team of 3.
07/25/2015 04:48 PM (UTC)
Who does everyone play as?

I play as everyone a bit.

But when I 1st got game my main team was


Then I swapped out Valentine for MS Fortune

My current team is Fukua/Ms. Fortune/Painwheel.

My 2nd team I've been playing around with is Big Band/Cerebella/Beowulf

07/25/2015 05:48 PM (UTC)
I either go with solo Fukua or a pairing of Fukua/Big Band or Fukua/Peacock. I want to learn Robo-Fortune but I'm still busy working on the teams I currently use.
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