WB and The Rights to Halloween Films!
posted10/18/2022 03:15 PM (UTC)by
NorthernKnick A.K.A. The ALLFATHER
About Me

Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!

Member Since
02/25/2021 04:52 AM (UTC)

WB Should Purchase The Rights to The Halloween Films For Guest Appearances of Michael Myers in Mortal Kombat. There is Plenty of Story Plot Holes For Him to come Back to Life in Earth Realm Then Travel Back to Haddonfield Through MK VS DCU2 Video game Crossover, Maybe Even a Full Remake of the Film Series. Who Knows Maybe They Could Even Hire Rob Zombie he Could Have Some Ideas to add For more Film's and/or Series Remake. I Think Maybe Even The Druid Thorn Who Set The Curse on Michael Could Make a Kool Kombatant IDK. But I Really Like Rob Zombies Take on Halloween, Anyway Think it Would Be The Best Time To do something like this if it was ever to be Done.

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