Destructoid preview confirms Super Moves
posted06/02/2012 11:23 PM (UTC)by
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06/21/2005 07:52 PM (UTC)
The stages in Injustice all have multiple tiers. In the Superman vs. Solomon Grundy battle, a punch from the Man of Steel sends Grundy down into the floor, through it and into a lower level of the Batcave. There were even more background objects to use in this section. For example, Grundy used a floating power generator to attack Superman, bashing it over his head. The assault continues with a super move: Grundy grabs Superman, smashes him to the ground, pulls out a gravestone from his chest, and hits him over the head.

Superman's comeback super move was quite a bit more exciting.
His eyes turn angry red, and then he picks up Grundy and punches him into space, sending him flying through the clouds and into the stratosphere. The view pans out into space, where we see Grundy start to sink down towards Earth at high speed. The view follows as he crashes through the roof of the Batcave back into the stage, where Superman finishes him off.

06/02/2012 11:10 PM (UTC)
Nice preview. X-ray 2.0, huh? Well, they vary from the X-ray moves of MK9 but the concept is basically the same with the flashy animations during which you probably can't do anything. With a power meter in this 2.5D gameplay, the gameplay should seem familiar to the MK9 players.
I wonder if we will have finishers like Heroic Brutalities or MK terms like "Fight!", "Flawless Victory!" et cetera. "Toasty!" would be too much.
06/02/2012 11:23 PM (UTC)
I wonder if there will be counter super moves.
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