enviormental finishers.
posted02/18/2013 03:12 AM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
since this game will most likly not have stage fatals i think this could be a nice replacement.

stage finishers.

batmans stage finisher could be he uses his grappling gun hangs the fighter from a building or light post and drops them.

superman stage finisher could be he grabs the fighter lifts them flys up into the air and drops them.

green laterns stage finisher could be he creates a tanks using his ring shoots a building collaping onto the oponnent.

and etc. each fighter would have there own unique stage finisher or everyone could have the same stage finisher. what do you think. would you like something like this in injustice.

02/15/2013 08:25 PM (UTC)
In my opinion that would be a bit too much stage interaction. The stage transitions are enough for my taste.
02/18/2013 03:12 AM (UTC)
Yeah i dont think they should do that cause it would be to close to mk:) and that what they are trying not to do!
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