Is armor the new variation system?
posted06/12/2016 05:58 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/14/2003 08:22 PM (UTC)
Has anybody else thought that this new armor system could possibly be like a new variation system, so to speak. Let me explain:

A characters specials might not change, but their movement and damage output might. Let's say, you have a lightly armored Batman. He would be able to move faster and jump higher, but at the cost of less damage, as opposed to a more heavily armored version that is slower but more powerful.

This could be a way to truly customize any character to your specific playing style. If you favor a rush down type of character, you would leave him lightly armored to increase your speed. Conversely, if you favor a heavy hitter, you could armor the hell out of him/her.

What do you guys think?
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