Tag team?
posted03/16/2013 09:07 AM (UTC)by
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Cage always wins, and in MK u will be Caged!

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02/03/2006 11:56 PM (UTC)
Well it happened in MK9, why not in this? Honestly I'd love to see tag team mode in this game, being able to use ur mains in creative teams like sups and batman, or even the original dynamic duo batman and robin!(nightwing if I must) but yes this would make the game more fun and add variety IMO. Anybody else agree?
03/16/2013 04:30 AM (UTC)
I agree, I think tag team would be fun as hell but i'm pretty sure it was mentioned somewhere that there would be no tag-team. Don't quote me on that though
About Me

-courtesy from MINION-

03/16/2013 07:46 AM (UTC)
Unfortunately someone did post an article on another persons thread, who also asked about tag fighting, that tag fighting wont be in Injustice.

Sucks since I wanted to play as Nightwing and Arrow or something.

Im actually hoping in the future Injustice may release an update or addon that would enable Tag fighting. I can only hope so sad
About Me

Cage always wins, and in MK u will be Caged!

03/16/2013 09:07 AM (UTC)
Led_Auditore Wrote:
Unfortunately someone did post an article on another persons thread, who also asked about tag fighting, that tag fighting wont be in Injustice.

Sucks since I wanted to play as Nightwing and Arrow or something.

Im actually hoping in the future Injustice may release an update or addon that would enable Tag fighting. I can only hope so sad

You would think so? I would be willing to pay for the mode too not much but willing to. I mean like I said it would be different and make it alot more fun for this game
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