-The Death and Return of Superman- and what it means for Injustice.
posted02/13/2013 03:03 PM (UTC)by
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Video (Language warning).

A very well done and very entertaining, amateur video (including some surprising faces). It brought one specific question to mind. Can Superman EVER really die?

I am going to say this right now. I am NOT somebody who knows the DC Universe in and out. I am a big fan and follower of Batman, but not much else. I am trying to expand my knowledge as much as possible. But the ideas presented in this (presumably) as canon, are thought provoking. The "Healing coma" makes this very interesting.

If superman turns out to be the big bad villain in Injustice, Can this ever really have a shift in plot? Can he actually be defeated, ever?

Just speculation. Any existing canon, contradiction or evidence to support or refute this possibility, is much appreciated.
02/13/2013 03:03 PM (UTC)
The whole "healing coma" thing was a retcon that only lasted for, like, the blink of an eye before it was changed back.

Canonically, Superman DID die. He was clinically dead in the same sense as when a patient flatlines on the operating table and they bring them back with the shock paddles.

In this case, the shock paddles were a giant sunlight machine used by the Eradicator.

And a powered Kryptonian can be brought back after days whereas with a human, you only get about ten minutes to defribilate.
Dude's spirit even went to Heaven and Pa Kent got to talk him into coming back during a heart attack/near-death experience.
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