The Joker
posted07/07/2016 04:58 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Discuss anything about the Joker. His moveset, design, anything.

Moveset-wise, I'd like them to bring back his handshake special from the MK/DC crossover. I wouldn't mind any of his other special moves from that game, but I especially want the handshake. I'd also like to see that huge gun he pulled out of his pants in the 1989 Batman movie.

Outro: The Joker uses his smilex gas on his opponent, who dies laughing. Joker then grabs their head and shows their happy face to the camera.

His smilex gas could also be used as a stun move, and the opponent should laugh as the Joker beats them up.

Finally, every single designs from the Batman movies he was in should be included. The Jared Leto one, Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, all of them.
07/07/2016 04:58 PM (UTC)
Honestly I would avoid the Joker. He is already overexposed. And it was in the first game.
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