Moloch vs. Quan Chi
posted08/03/2007 09:54 PM (UTC)by
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07/05/2007 10:03 PM (UTC)
If two most powerful Oni, Moloch and Quan Chi, quarrelled over who should be the leader of all the Oni, and eventually fought to find out... who do you think would be the winner!?
Okay first Quan Chi isint an oni why do you think he is but as to who would win in a fight Quan Chi has my bet.
08/03/2007 09:54 PM (UTC)
My friend, if you are refferring to Drahmin as oppose to Quan Chi (since he isn't an oni), Moloch would win hands down. Drahmin is no more than a walking fucked-up version of the "Meat" character that attracts flies, and relies soley on his club during battles. Moloch has more power, more moves, and definately more muscle.
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