Scorpion and Sub Zero teamed to Fight Ermac and Reptile; who would win?
posted07/31/2007 09:40 PM (UTC)by
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"Bad stuff happen and things go wrong, but just remember; life goes on."
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05/01/2007 04:00 AM (UTC)
It's just a matter of opinion. Two on two fight and the victor would be the victors. I chose these guys cuz Scorpion and Sub Zero are rivals and Ermac and Reptile used to be former comrades before Kenshi released Ermac. So, in my opinion, I think that Scorpion and Sub Zero would win cuz even tho they are rivals, they have honor. Reptile is some whacked out character that is looking for his lost race. So really, its a two on 1....

Post away!

Sorry Ermac, but its a Two on One....furious
05/05/2007 11:58 PM (UTC)
Scorpion, and Subzero by FARRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
05/06/2007 06:47 PM (UTC)
Hmmm...if we're going by a storyline perspective, then I would probably say that Scorpion and Sub-Zero would be able to keep their kool and work together until they achieved their goal whereas Ermac would probably not want to team up with Reptile nor fight two guys he has no beef with and leave.

If we're going solely by statistics, then I'm going to say that Ermac and Reptile would win. Reptile would be of use but it would really be Ermac carrying his team.
About Me

"Bad stuff happen and things go wrong, but just remember; life goes on."
05/06/2007 08:24 PM (UTC)
well said...the thought of Ermac leaving the fight had not even crossed my mind. Well done.
05/08/2007 01:17 AM (UTC)
Good point, i'm going with Scorpion, and SZ.
05/08/2007 01:44 AM (UTC)
strength wise easily Reptile and Ermac

storywise it'd have to be Scorpion and Sub-zero because Ermac wouldn't team up with up Reptile.
05/29/2007 06:10 AM (UTC)
scorpion and sub zero would win
05/30/2007 12:56 AM (UTC)
scorpion and sub-zero duh they would kick ass big time
06/08/2007 09:45 PM (UTC)
Scorp and Sub
06/11/2007 01:47 AM (UTC)
In reality...Ermac could kick all their asses alone, I think some forget this is the same guy that defeated Earth's warriors in order to free them in his MKD ending.

Not to mention, Ermac could kill anyone with a mere thought you know.

Scorpion/Sub would be killed, but unlike Subby Scorpion would come back since he's dead already and he always comes back.

However, since this is pretty much a popularity contest Sub and Scorpion will get more votes even though Ermac can take them, Reptile not so sure.
06/11/2007 02:19 AM (UTC)
Scorpion and Sub Zero, because Eddy Boon wouldn't let them die.

If it was fair though, Ermac and Reppy.
06/13/2007 02:22 AM (UTC)
Scorp and Sub. I mean, its fire and ice against psychic and ....., ummm...., reptilianness? Anyway, there all about equal on their own, but a freezing spear works better then a telekinetic .... invisible ..... reptilian?!? And if you think Ermac can do ANYTHING by himself, you're crazy. Unless he split into like a million different souls. Scorpion would just come back for revenge anyway. But, alas, I must end with that, my peeps.tongue
06/16/2007 07:01 PM (UTC)
FrozenScorpion Wrote:
Scorp and Sub. I mean, its fire and ice against psychic and ....., ummm...., reptilianness? Anyway, there all about equal on their own, but a freezing spear works better then a telekinetic .... invisible ..... reptilian?!? And if you think Ermac can do ANYTHING by himself, you're crazy. Unless he split into like a million different souls. Scorpion would just come back for revenge anyway. But, alas, I must end with that, my peeps.tongue

Ermac isn't a psychic man lol. A "psychic" per-se can foresee the future, however what you're looking for is psychic " powers" where Ermac, Kenshi and from Psi-Ops Nick Skryer all have abilities with their mind but aren't actual "psychics"

They just foresee the future(supposedly)

Ermac's powers are very strong, and remember this is the guy that defeated all of the Chosen Warriors from earthrealm in his MKD ending thus freeing them from Onaga's control.

If one man can do that, I think he can take subby and scorpion with Reptile's help it would be fairgame.

Reptile would be more of a distraction, then Ermac would go in for the kill.

06/16/2007 07:42 PM (UTC)
Scorpion and Sub-Zero
06/16/2007 09:40 PM (UTC)
One question, why Ermac and reptile?
Maybe Ermac and Kenshi.
But i still think Scorpion and Sub-Zero would win
06/17/2007 04:47 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
FrozenScorpion Wrote:
Scorp and Sub. I mean, its fire and ice against psychic and ....., ummm...., reptilianness? Anyway, there all about equal on their own, but a freezing spear works better then a telekinetic .... invisible ..... reptilian?!? And if you think Ermac can do ANYTHING by himself, you're crazy. Unless he split into like a million different souls. Scorpion would just come back for revenge anyway. But, alas, I must end with that, my peeps.tongue

Ermac isn't a psychic man lol. A "psychic" per-se can foresee the future, however what you're looking for is psychic " powers" where Ermac, Kenshi and from Psi-Ops Nick Skryer all have abilities with their mind but aren't actual "psychics"

They just foresee the future(supposedly)

Ermac's powers are very strong, and remember this is the guy that defeated all of the Chosen Warriors from earthrealm in his MKD ending thus freeing them from Onaga's control.

If one man can do that, I think he can take subby and scorpion with Reptile's help it would be fairgame.

Reptile would be more of a distraction, then Ermac would go in for the kill.

ya, i know what a psychic is, the sentence was supposed to be about their powers, not them. Like when i said ice, i was reffering to subby's powers, not that he is ice, know what im sayin?
07/31/2007 09:40 PM (UTC)
scorpion and sub zero cuz scorpion is the ninja of the game and is qiuck and dangerous, sub zero is a grandmaster who teaches others to fight cuz he is a great warrior. now ermac is just good and known for his telekenesis, and reptile can camoflauge himself which is a good factor in a battle with reptile cuz ud never find him. but scorpion and subby all the way. good battle though
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