War Thread: Black Dragon vs Red Dragon!
posted03/21/2007 06:21 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/01/2007 10:16 PM (UTC)
Who do you think would win in a war aginst each other the Black Dragon Are the Red Dragon Im voting for the Red Dragon Because the can hunt down and find there target with ease and mavados one of the best assasins that earthrealm has ever seen so may the Red Dragon live on and may the Black Dragon fall and crumble into the dust and be forggoton forever.

Let the war begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

furious furious furious
03/21/2007 02:04 AM (UTC)
As much as I love the Black Dragon, I am sure the red dragon will definetly will win. With the likes of Deagon and Mavado, and accomplices such as Hsu Hao, they cannot be defeated in my opinion.
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03/21/2007 05:45 AM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
As much as I love the Black Dragon, I am sure the red dragon will definetly will win. With the likes of Deagon and Mavado, and accomplices such as Hsu Hao, they cannot be defeated in my opinion.

Definitely. Most of the Black Dragon members are vicious, cut-throat gangsters, while the Red Dragon clan is completely different in all respects. Namely, they have access to technology, at least more readily. Mavado would probably be more than a match for Kano I suspect, and furthermore, the Red Dragon outnumbers and outmatches the Black Dragon.

Red Dragon has my vote, but the Black Dragon will always be my favorite, just because of that underdog taste to them.
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03/21/2007 06:21 PM (UTC)
Hsu Hao should be raised into common language as the synonym for tenacity and relentlesness.
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