Which is better?
posted04/16/2007 03:19 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/01/2007 10:16 PM (UTC)
the movies or the games I think its the games but am not sure.
04/15/2007 09:35 PM (UTC)
The games. Better storyline and more interesting characters.
The games by a long shot for me. For the same reasons as stated above by XiahouDun84.
04/15/2007 11:13 PM (UTC)
games easily. here's some reasons why.

-you can play them
-better story
-much more replay value
-interesting characters
-more characters
- no real talking other than grunts, so no real bad voice acting
-can play with someone else
-more fun, duh
-more for your $
-has cutscenes just like movie versions
04/16/2007 03:19 PM (UTC)
Well, I guess there isn't much for me to say that hasn't already been said. Obviously, you can interact with the games and not just watch them. There's more characters in the games and they all have their own storylines so they don't have to get by on a mere cameo. They can have their own conflicts, endings, and character development. The overall stories were much better and longer than their 90-minute counterparts. Then, possibly the best argument of all, all the movies have are their excellent fight scenes and that theme song. While the games never really had ANY theme song, let alone that one, as of Deception, they've had cinematics with fight scenes in them that rival, if not flat-out surpass, those seen in the movies. As a result, the movies have absolutely NOTHING.

Also, the games are the REAL Mortal Kombat so I think that gives them something too. I don't read that Archie "Sonic the Hedgehog" comic book partly because it's not the real Sonic so why give a crap (That and it's been going on for way too long now and I have no chance to catch up with it.)? Also, the Spider-Man movies are good, but they're not the real deal. I prefer the Spidey comics over his big-budget movies for that reason too.
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