Cyrax's Search
My name is classified information that is known only to selected U.S. Government officials and members of the Special Forces Outerworld Investigation Agency; my alias is Cyrax.
After the Vampire Nitara returned me to Earthrealm, I discovered that my home base had been almost completely destroyed. My scanners failed to detect any organic tissue in the area, and I hoped that this was a sign that everyone was evacuated safely beforehand.
Using whatever technology I could salvage from the rubble, I managed to fix my arm panel, which was damaged by a reptilian creature in Outworld. I was able to get a radio signal, but it turned out that I intercepted a private message being used by a former comrade...
It turns out that Sektor survived being stranded in Outworld and has created an army of cybernetic ninjas based on our designs, as well as new modifications he made to fix any flaws. He also allied his forces with beings known as Onaga and Drahmin, and has taken over the new location of the Lin Kuei base of operations.
With this information, I quickly found a channel that was being used by Major Jackson Briggs and immediately informed him of the events to come. We rendezvoused at a nearby location, where we left the area by helicopter and were taken to a temporary base camp. I fixed my teleporter as he informed me of the traitor Hsu Hao's attack on the base, the deaths of Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, and the disappearance of Quan Chi.
Jax, a small amount of men, and I, attempted to scout the area surrounding the Lin Kuei's former base, but where ambushed by a small number of Oni demons, Mummified warriors, and Tekunin robots; Jax and I were the only survivors of the onslaught.
After we buried our dead, we returned to our camp with the corpses of the enemy armies to study them and learn of any potential weaknesses. During this time, Raiden appeared to us and stated that a war between Outworld and Earthrealm was brewing, and that all available forces would have to unite in order to defeat it, including the Red Dragon, who had already pledged allegiance to the Lin Kuei. I was shocked to receive this data; surely the Red Dragon would sell us out in exchange for power, or betray us soon after the war would end (assuming we won). Considering the destruction of our base by Hsu Hao, I failed to compute how the Red Dragon could even be trusted.
As our men prepared to meet with the Lin Kuei and the Red Dragon, I calculated that Nitara would be a very powerful ally in this war. With the permission of Sonya, and with the support of Kenshi and Jax, I used my teleporter to return to Outworld, and began my search for her. I used my DNA recording device to keep a permanent lock on her, and all I have to do now is follow her trail.
I realise that trusting a creature that feasts on humans may be a tactical error, but my human mind has overridden my logical sensors with the perfect plan to ensure that the Vampire doesn't betray my people. Perhaps having my soul back may prove to be more useful than expected; I understand now that a machine cannot truly comprehend the pleasure one can feel when a devious plot to stop one's enemies is enacted perfectly. We shall see soon enough who will be the last beings standing.
Author : Jerrod Therace
Creation date: 2005-8-5-19-31
Modification date: 2005-8-5-19-35
Author's Remarks: | |
After reading a fanfic biography posted about Cyrax, I felt I had to do the character justice and make one that was at least interesting and clear. Like my other biographies, this will NOT take anything from MKD into account, and is an alternate set of events focused on MKDA's endings. Enjoy!
Content | 604 words | Category | Other | User Views | |
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I enjoyed this bio, too bad it was so short. I lol’ed at the “I was shocked to receive this data” and another fun part of the likes he mentioned. So Kahn is dead as well, maybe I read about that in Sonya’s bio but Im not so sure anymore.
“I understand now that a machine cannot truly comprehend the pleasure one can feel when a devious plot to stop one's enemies is enacted perfectly.” I also liked this part, very fitting for Cyrax.
I actually expected much more from him because of the hype I was given with Sonya’s bio and the Vampire references. I guess Nitara’s view of the situation will provide more info...or in Cyrax’s words, more data.
Good job once again!

I didn't want Cyrax to appear so friendly or warm because unlike Smoke, Cyrax volunteered to become a cyborg, and with his sense of duty, I felt that he needed to be a tougher individual and more machine-like compared to a human. I made Cyrax the median between the extremes of Smoke (longing for his humanity) and Sektor (rejecting his humanity).
So Kahn is dead as well, maybe I read about that in Sonya’s bio but Im not so sure anymore.
I'll let you find that one out for yourself.
Cyrax's biography is very short, but his ending is probably the most important one of all the Earthrealm characters and the most defining of his character, so that balances it out. It's my favourite ending, and with that being said, I'm sure it'll be the best one, and the most surprising.
Too bad not too many people read fan fics here. These are all worth the time.
How is your Reiko story working so far? Any improvements since last time we talked?

Cool! If his ending is the most important, Im guessing its going to have a lot of surprises and fan facts.
Too bad not too many people read fan fics here. These are all worth the time.
How is your Reiko story working so far? Any improvements since last time we talked?
Unfortunately, no fun facts; the endings will be as serious and dramatic as they need to be. Unlike the biographies, every ending will be written from the character's perspective in the present tense, so I won't be able to have the characters think up puns or anything, as for the most part, they'll be fighting for their lives. Of course, if I can do it and it's suitable, I'll bring out my sick sense of humour involving death and violence.
I'm still deciding if I should make Cyrax's ending canon or not for my fan fictions, considering his has such a dramatic impact on the MK plot, but that probably won't matter too much depending on if I decide to make my own version of MK7.
As for the next coming bio, I've figured out a way to make it interesting for me and for everyone else reading it! I figured out what it was missing and am in the process of adding that stuff, so I no longer consider it my worst bio!