FakePic: Jade Fatal MK2
07/08/2006 03:24 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/16/2003 06:19 AM (UTC)
04/20/2003 06:21 PM (UTC)
I dont like Jade's sprite, and I have no idea what's going on.

Zentile Wrote:
and I have no idea what's going on.

Well, if you look at Jade's fan there is blood dripping from it, so she's obviously cut Smoke in 2 and is standing in a flashy pose.

I quite like it, much better than some of your previous ones.
04/20/2003 06:50 PM (UTC)
thank you timsmk im making another 1 as soon as i finish this proyect base on the great depression. god damn zentile did you even bother going to my submission get some glasses please. im open for feedback HE HE wink WINK!
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The Storm Has Returned...
Realm of Khaos

04/20/2003 07:58 PM (UTC)
God...that sux. My eyes are hurting.
k, it really sux, the quality sux and the Jade pose is gay.
04/20/2003 09:17 PM (UTC)

MaRcElunbeatable Wrote:
thank you timsmk im making another 1 as soon as i finish this proyect base on the great depression. god damn zentile did you even bother going to my submission get some glasses please. im open for feedback HE HE WINK!

Yes, I did. And the Jade sprite does suck. And the word ''Fatality'' was covering the fan, so I didn't see it at first.
Please, if u cant stand opinions, dont start going on crap that I need glasses.
04/20/2003 09:51 PM (UTC)
Ah yes moderator Hydro from mkintensive HA HA winkWell you have to cut me some slack this is the first time I shadow and try to make my own sprites besides copy and pasting. And Zentile please get off my nuts I see you gave up on fakes so please don't ruin other people's fakes. And the reson i said you need glasses cause you do the fake is so simple as me typing 1 2 3 why is it that timsmk understood what was happenning and you didn't? the quality sucks ass cause when you want to submit something on the fan art it has to be save as a jpeg type.
04/20/2003 10:08 PM (UTC)
What the hell...!? Dont ruin ppl's fakes? I said my opinion. What the hell is wrong with that?
04/20/2003 10:36 PM (UTC)
your scathing people's work, your comments are negative and your never reasonable. whoa im being nice today hmmm...
04/21/2003 07:55 AM (UTC)
Not reasonable?! STFU, already. I said why I didn't like the pick. And the sprite DOES suck. Her torso is weirdly placed on her hips.
So give a chillpill to those hormones boy. You need to kalm down a bit.
04/21/2003 02:58 PM (UTC)
I'm sorry--oh wait, no I'm not--to say that the sprite does, indeed, suck. Even for your first. I mean, all you did was swap the color to green, and make some goofy ass pose. I can see what's happening, but it's just...an overall boring idea and very poorly executed. There's not a thing I like it about it.
04/21/2003 03:11 PM (UTC)
Do you see, Marcel? You fool. Everytime BlackSaibot says his opinion and some1 attacks him, you get all defensive. But I say my opinion and you act like I'm flaming you for fun. Well I'm not. It's my opinion, and as u can see, VenoMark's aswell.
04/21/2003 03:37 PM (UTC)
I already told you what I thought of the pic in your e-mail, so... ya.
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I am Jaded-Raven

04/21/2003 06:01 PM (UTC)
WOW!!! I love it!!!
But... What is she doing???
04/21/2003 08:13 PM (UTC)
thats different there just being honest that what feedbck is called. and blacksaibot yeah i know. jade does like a flahy pose w/ her fans.
About Me

Why care about people if they're not bloody and on your carpet right now?

04/22/2003 05:55 PM (UTC)

VenoMark Wrote:
I'm sorry--oh wait, no I'm not--to say that the sprite does, indeed, suck. Even for your first. I mean, all you did was swap the color to green, and make some goofy ass pose. I can see what's happening, but it's just...an overall boring idea and very poorly executed. There's not a thing I like it about it.

You flame everything. Go to Karim's fanart threads on this board... please...
04/22/2003 06:04 PM (UTC)
What I don't get is why Shao Khan's crotch is Censored. Is he doing something funny down there, or what?
About Me

Puto, ergo non est deus
Non opus est, si pretium non habetis.

04/22/2003 06:13 PM (UTC)
Marcel you should not be cut slack when you go on a tear on newbies. I WAS going to reply using my pep talk reply and make a nice point out of the different things that needed help, but you demanded to be let off easy especially when you don't.

The fire over Khan's sphere should actually be behind it. Smoke even though smoking, doesn't have any above his head or to his sides, which are requisite in the animation sequences. Jade's upper body is disfigured, her left arm is completely wankered at the shoulder, and the word fatality is over part of her sprite.

The way smoke pulls apart is incorrect, especially with how there is gray suit streaming between the blood, none but one big drop has actually hit the ground, you could argue it hasn't got there yet, but jade's fan is dripping. And last I checked, even in the netheralm gravity is constant when there is a variation of about 2-4 feet.

It is good that you got Kano in there, nice idea to spruce up the background, but I think he may be just a little to far to the left.

Another problem is that you gave smoke 00 wins. But you need to fight a bit to get to fight Jade.

Shao Khan's scepter is a bit too close to the health bars. You should move them up a pixel or two.

The drop of blood coming from the right hand fan is a bit too small and easily overlooked.

I do have to admit. The censor bar did make me chuckle.

All in all, I gave it 3 for being a fake, bad quality mistakes dropped it down by 4 points, the blandness 1 pt, the censor bar raised it 1 pt. Thus your total is: .5


04/22/2003 06:21 PM (UTC)
thanks for the feedback every1. and yeah i'll try harder. thanks.
04/22/2003 11:22 PM (UTC)

axeman61 Wrote:You flame everything. Go to Karim's fanart threads on this board... please...

Look, kid, I don't "flame". What I do is be completely honest. If I look like an asshole, then so be it; it's what I am when I want to be, and sometimes when I don't intend to be, that's why you children consider me. Oh well. Go cry to someone else about their flaming. I don't do that, boy.
04/23/2003 01:57 AM (UTC)
Lately, many newbies use the copy and paste method to "create" disorganized, senseless fake pictures. They get their sprites from sprite archives, mainly MK Fake Pic Editor or the MK Warehouse. Newbies like these take the skill out of fake pictures. Real fake pic creators get their own sprites, and actually edit things themselves, rather than just copying and pasting shit on a background calling it "an awesome picture."

Sadly, we have many ass holes who steal parts of other people's fake pictures, and turn them into garbage. This is a said world indeed...

I will admit, I am not the greatest artist out there, but atleast I can say I edit and do it on my own without help from anybody else. i hate to do this but it has to be done.it's good to speak your mind about other artist's fake pics wait...but you personally attack a person is just wrong why dont you telll the people what they can improve how they can improve dont just call them an punk or look down on someone.what do yall think the warehouse is for it aint just there to be there.everybody has a diffrent style but what im trying to say here is to please stop hating copy and pasters we're still learning.now im going to return to my happy self now.sorry blacksaibot i held this stuff in to long.peace

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-Pain Is Weakness Leaving The Body

04/23/2003 05:10 AM (UTC)
i like it.

and i think its quite obvious what shes doing...
About Me

Beetles in my carpet under my feet they come out when they eat

04/23/2003 05:14 AM (UTC)
I KNEW it felt smarter in here.

Ghaleon Wrote:
i like it.

and i think its quite obvious what shes doing...

About Me

Beetles in my carpet under my feet they come out when they eat

04/23/2003 05:14 AM (UTC)
Doub po.
04/23/2003 01:14 PM (UTC)
Marcel, read all these quotes, please.

Hydro Wrote:
God...that sux. My eyes are hurting.
k, it really sux, the quality sux and the Jade pose is gay.

Beautiful-Fighter Wrote:
WOW!!! I love it!!!
But... What is she doing???

ShoeUnited Wrote:
Marcel you should not be cut slack when you go on a tear on newbies. I WAS going to reply using my pep talk reply and make a nice point out of the different things that needed help, but you demanded to be let off easy especially when you don't.

The fire over Khan's sphere should actually be behind it. Smoke even though smoking, doesn't have any above his head or to his sides, which are requisite in the animation sequences. Jade's upper body is disfigured, her left arm is completely wankered at the shoulder, and the word fatality is over part of her sprite.

The way smoke pulls apart is incorrect, especially with how there is gray suit streaming between the blood, none but one big drop has actually hit the ground, you could argue it hasn't got there yet, but jade's fan is dripping. And last I checked, even in the netheralm gravity is constant when there is a variation of about 2-4 feet.

It is good that you got Kano in there, nice idea to spruce up the background, but I think he may be just a little to far to the left.

Another problem is that you gave smoke 00 wins. But you need to fight a bit to get to fight Jade.

Shao Khan's scepter is a bit too close to the health bars. You should move them up a pixel or two.

The drop of blood coming from the right hand fan is a bit too small and easily overlooked.

I do have to admit. The censor bar did make me chuckle.

All in all, I gave it 3 for being a fake, bad quality mistakes dropped it down by 4 points, the blandness 1 pt, the censor bar raised it 1 pt. Thus your total is: .5


VenoMark Wrote:
I'm sorry--oh wait, no I'm not--to say that the sprite does, indeed, suck. Even for your first. I mean, all you did was swap the color to green, and make some goofy ass pose. I can see what's happening, but it's just...an overall boring idea and very poorly executed. There's not a thing I like it about it.

MaRcElunbeatable Wrote:
thats different there just being honest that what feedbck is called. and blacksaibot yeah i know. jade does like a flahy pose w/ her fans.

Wait...wait...How the FUCK is it that they are giving their opinion, and I'm flaming you? Get a grip on yourself, and get a lobotomy while you're at it. You need to shut up, be quiet, think about what you said, and realize that I was only giving my opinion, which- just for the record- is shared by others. *points up* So just calm down, boy.
PS: Drugs kill.
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